The Secret Garden Chapter 11

The Secret Garden Chapter 11

1)Had Dickon known about the secret garden?

A:Dickon had heard about the garden from Mary many times, so he did know about the garden.

2)Were all the roses dead? How did Dickon know?

A:Not all of the roses were dead, Dickon knew that there were still some alive based on how the wood was in the stem, how much was old and how much was still alive.

3)Why did Dickon think someone else had been in the garden?

A:Dickon thought that someone else had been in there since ten years because it looked like there had been someone that had been pruning a couple of the trees.

4)How many people did Mary like?

A: Mary only likes 5 people.

5)What question did Mary ask Dickon in Yorkshire?

A: Mary asked Dickon if he liked her.

6)Why did Dickon compare Mary to a missel thrush?

A: Dickon compared Mary to a missel thrush because then she would be a bird, and he could tell anyone what a bird thinks, or does without the bird knowing.

Thought Questions:

1)What makes people contrary? Is it a decision?An unfulfilled need? How does someone stop being contrary? Do you have to replace those traits with a  positive trait like love, or compassion or kindness?

A: I think that it can be a decision, but that it can also be in someone’s personality. I think that you have to decide to not be contrary anymore. I don’t think that you have to fill that space in with different traits, but that it’s a good thing to do.

2)How many people do you like? Have you ever thought to count? How did Mary’s counting reflect the changes taking place in her life?

A: I like a lot of people, but I’ve never really thought to count. I think that Mary liked to count because when she was little she probable didn’t like a lot of people.

3)Why do you think Mary compared Dickon to an Indian native? Did she see it as complementary or insulting?

A: I think that it was just the way that Dickon acted, was why she compared him to that. I think that Mary meant it as a complement.

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