Carry on Mr.Bowditch Chapter 3

Carry on Mr.Bowditch Chapter 3

1)What question did Nat answer in school? Why was he counted wrong?

A: Nat answered the question- What happened on April 19, 1775 he was wrong because he said that his dad’s ship sunk, but the answer Master Watson was looking for was, the Battle of Lexington ended that day.

2)Why did Nat prefer arithmetic to history?

A: Nat liked arithmetic better than history because he was good at it.

3)What did Father ask Master Watson to do for Nat?

A: Father asked Master Watson to give Nat bigger questions.

4)Why did Master Watson accuse Nat of lying? How did he test Nat’s truthfulness?

A: Master Watson said that he couldn’t have written that so fast, so he said that he had until the next day to tell him who helped him.

5)What news did Nat hear about the Pilgrim? What happened to Tom Perry?

A: Nat heard that the Pilgrim boat had come back. Tom Perry had died fighting another ship.

6)What did the fisherman’s people do when a fisherman died at sea?

A: The fishermen, buried him in the sea and ripped a big piece of paper up into tiny pieces and scatter it.

Thought Questions:

1)What was Mister Watson’s reaction when he heard Nat had been in school two years in Danvers? What does his response tell you about his view of women?

A: He said that it was a place where women teach and that he probable didn’t learn anything. Basically he doesn’t like women.

2)What makes books so valuable? Were they more valuable in Nat’s time? If so, why?

A: Books were valuable back then because they were expensive.

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