Pinball (electricity)

Today I learned how to make a light bulb light up it was so cool I learned about a load and open circuit and closed circuit it works like this a load is what you hook up to the battery and a open circuit is a circuit that is not working and a closed circuit is a circuit that works. I also learned that an  electric current can flow through a wire. Also I learned that a switch can turn a circuit on and off and I also learned about a conductor and insulator a conductor lets electric current flow through it and a insulator is something that electric current cannot flow through.


Pinball (magnetism)

I learned in this experiment how to make an electromagnet, it was sweet the more coils you wrapped around the nail the more paper clips it picked up. I also learned that you can make magnet’s float in mid air that was really cool. Also i learned that you can make a open and closed circuit from the metal ball when it hits to metal item’s. I think i can add a circuit at the bottom so when the ball hit’s it it will make the light bulb light up also i think i could add a electromagnet or just a magnet in the middle to attract the ball into a valley and then the person playing would lose the game.  I also learned that a magnet has a magnetic pole like south and north pole. I also learned that a magnet has a magnetic field and when it is broken it creates electricity.

Gideon and Me

After reading my parents answers, it make me think that my mom had a hard time thinking of what to do for school because I had 2 younger brothers and we lived out of district and she didn’t want to haul them all the way to school five days a week and she didn’t think I would do very good at 5 days a week because she thought I would be tired.

This is what my mom said

When we were deciding what school to do for Riley I prayed about it for quite a while. We loved Zealand Christian school but at the time we couldn’t get bussing because we were out of district and I didn’t want to drive every day with two other younger children. I thought about homeschooling, but didn’t like the idea of full time home schooling. I asked God to show me what wanted me to do, and the next day I got a paper in Riley’s backpack about a new program starting for 1st graders it was 3 days at home and 2 days at school. I looked into the program and trained for it and it worked out great for 3 years God answered my prayer.

Advise: Pray about everything god listens and he will guide you as long as you seek him.

Pinball newtons law of motion

Newton’s laws of motion experiment

What we learn’d from this experiment.

I learned about newtons laws, action= reaction, motion, inertia, force, mass, and acceleration.

These are are ideas for are pinnball machine.

Rope flippers