Essay: Having Somebody To Look Up To



Having Somebody To Look Up To Is Good


Having somebody to look up to is good. Have you ever wondered or wanted to know what its like to have somebody to look up to?

Having somebody to look up to is good because you might follow in their footsteps. When I was young I looked up to my dad. One day my dad asked me if I wanted a red or blue bike. ( red is a Honda and blue is a Yamaha.) I said red. So my dad bought me a CRF Honda 50. One day my dad built a track for us and it kept changing and getting better every time. Then one day we went to a race, I got 5th. The second race next season I won my first race. If my dad never rode dirt bikes I never would have even known about them, but since he did I’m a 50ss 7-8 champion.

Having somebody to look up to is good because you might make good choices like your  role models. When I kept winning races and never finishing bellow 3rd  and only getting 3rd once and when I won a championship I knew that racing was what I was made to do. This is kind of like Charlie, he looks up to Michael Essein because hes a mid-fielder and thats kind of like the point you just read. At first I didn’t know what job I would want to have when I get to old to race any more, but since my dad drives semi trucks then i’m going to when I get to old to race any more. This is kind of like Thomas, he looks up to his grandpa because he drives tractors.

Now I’m almost 10 years old and I still look up to my dad and I love riding and racing with him and I love riding and racing more and more all the time. I have no idea what my life would be like if my dad never rode or raced dirtbikes.


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