Grades For The Continental And British Armys During The Revolutionary War



Continental Army

British Army




They did not have much of a navy.

In the beginning they did not have very many soldiers. -The soldiers sometimes went  home during harvest time.

– They had citizen soldiers and inexperienced soldiers, and untrained soldiers, They were good wilderness fighters.

their military was not the greatest.


The British had a very strong and experienced army, and they are the best navy in the world, and they had many more soldiers in the beginning.  -They underestimated the continental soldiers.- Hard for them to adjust to the new methods of fighting like the winter battles.

They had a very great and strong army.

           A  *

      A+ *


They fought on their own land. They had good marksmen who owned their own guns.  That was good because  if it was on their own land they knew it better so the army will know more hiding places to hide from the british.

Having it on their own land was bad because

some of their land and houses might get destroyed.


They had no central city or capital to attack.

-They were fighting over large areas they did not know.-They were unfamiliar with the swamps and forests. Used to fighting in formal straight lines.

It was good that they fought on the Americans land because then none of their houses or other stuff will be ruined.

It was bad having it on the americans land because they didn’t know the land as well so it was harder to know where to hide.




Supplies often low including shoes, clothes, and gunpowder. States often did not send supplies.- They had few cannons and other artillery.-Few  soldiers.

Did get good suppl.ies

the americans did not have many supplies but it was fairly easy to get their supplies.


Had lots of soldiers and many other weapons. The distance over 3000 miles across the Atlantic caused transportation and communication problems. They had a lot of weapons but it was hard for the british army to get all the supplies that they needed.

  B  *



They had very little money.- They depended on states for funds. It was very hard for them to get money,


The British were very wealthy, and had lots of money. It was easy for them to get the money they needed for supplies like guns etc.

 A+  *

  A-  *


George Washington was a great leader.  He helped through the war.


The british had a well established government. Their government was very good. One of their leaders was General Thomas Gage. He was a fairly good leader.

  B+  *



The american army  had a fairly good army, and their leader was a very good leader.


The british army was a very strong army and they had a lot of weapons.

    A+ *

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