Essay: Having Somebody To Look Up To



Having Somebody To Look Up To Is Good


Having somebody to look up to is good. Have you ever wondered or wanted to know what its like to have somebody to look up to?

Having somebody to look up to is good because you might follow in their footsteps. When I was young I looked up to my dad. One day my dad asked me if I wanted a red or blue bike. ( red is a Honda and blue is a Yamaha.) I said red. So my dad bought me a CRF Honda 50. One day my dad built a track for us and it kept changing and getting better every time. Then one day we went to a race, I got 5th. The second race next season I won my first race. If my dad never rode dirt bikes I never would have even known about them, but since he did I’m a 50ss 7-8 champion.

Having somebody to look up to is good because you might make good choices like your  role models. When I kept winning races and never finishing bellow 3rd  and only getting 3rd once and when I won a championship I knew that racing was what I was made to do. This is kind of like Charlie, he looks up to Michael Essein because hes a mid-fielder and thats kind of like the point you just read. At first I didn’t know what job I would want to have when I get to old to race any more, but since my dad drives semi trucks then i’m going to when I get to old to race any more. This is kind of like Thomas, he looks up to his grandpa because he drives tractors.

Now I’m almost 10 years old and I still look up to my dad and I love riding and racing with him and I love riding and racing more and more all the time. I have no idea what my life would be like if my dad never rode or raced dirtbikes.


3 School Buddies


3 School Buddies


Sledding with 3 school buddies is a fun way to spend part of the school day. Its fun to sled with them especially if they like it when sometimes we accidently flip over. And its fun when they like hitting the little bumps. Sledding with 3 school buddies is the funnest part of the school year.


swimming lessons

One day on Friday it was time to go to swimming lessons so we got our bags with our stuff in them and lined up by the drinking fountain. Then we went to the bus. When we got there when we got out we ran to the doors. When we in the locker room I got the locker I used almost every time. The showers were cold like they usually were. Then we walked to the pool and sat down. Then instead of one of them telling us to get in the pool in our groups she told the third group to go with one of them and they went with her to where there were a bunch of life jackets and told the rest of us to follow her and the other one to go with them. We went to where there were a bunch of noodles. We got partners and our partners were in the pool and we had to lay down and grab our partners hand. I layed down and grabbed Joey’s hand. My wrist hurt on the edge of the pool from Joey hanging on my hand. Next our partners went out a little farther out and we had to throw noodles to them. The first time I only threw the noodle halfway then the second time I got the noodle to Joey. Then we went to the other side of the pool to where the life jackets were and we put them on. Then we got put into three different lines. Then we got into the pool and got in a circle and held each other’s hands and pulled our leg back up and kinda out of the water. Then we got out of the pool and had free time. I went and got in line to jump of the diving board. I only did it three times then we had to stop and change back into our clothes and leave. So I walked to the locker room and took a quick shower, got dressed, and went out to leave.

Personal Narrative


The Broken Exhaust Pipe

One hot summer evening we went riding. I got my gear on right away and started riding Carter did the same thing after a few minutes. I didn’t do all the jumps to start with but Carter did. Later my dad came back with a bulldozer to build whoops.(bumps that can be easy to crash on.) Later my cousin Tyler came over to ride (he lives a little way down on the other side of the road from the track.) While my dad was building the whoops we had to skip some of the track. We’re used to doing that because my dad and my Uncle Kevin change the track. My dad was finally done with the whoops but, he had to do something to the whoops with his shovel. We could still go through them. But they needed to be patted down which will eventually happen. After I went through the whoops I finally did my big double. For some reason my bike was so loud to my ears I got off the track. I walked over to where my bike was really loud and I saw my exhaust pipe. My exhaust pipe was broken. My dad looked at my bike it was leaking something. Even though my bike was broken we stayed at the track and I rode my old 50. I think that my Uncle Kevin said he knew it was going to  brake.

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