Friday blog

  1. What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “The Psalms teach us to sing praise to God.” Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? What praise do you sing to God right now? Respond with at least 5 complete sentences.
    I learned that we can sing praise to God by singing, listening to music, listening to nature, looking at nature, and just by being ourselves.  A phrase that stood out to me in Psalm 8:1 is “how majestic is your name in all the earth.”  It stood out to me because it reminded me of the picture in the book.  The picture shows a lot of colors and majestic animals and they are all praising God.  I sing praise to God right now by praying to Him and thanking Him for life.
  2. Tell a story about a time that was difficult this week. What happened? Were there things that comforted you at all? Use at least 5 complete sentences.
    Being in quarantine has been difficult this week.  I can’t do all the things I want to do, like hang out with friends.  I miss seeing all of my friends at school.  Doing Facetime with some friends has helped a little bit.  Texting and keeping up with friends has been helpful as well.

  3. Tell a story about something this week that you were proud of. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen? Use at least 5 complete sentences. I am proud of getting all my work done.  My dog, Oliver helps me by giving me emotional support and coming to wake me up every morning. He comes in my room and licks my face.  My mom has helped me get through me work.  She also helps keep me on track. 


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