

I would freeze the time that I went skiing in Colorado.  I was skiing at Breckenridge and it was snowing pretty hard.  There was a lot of powder and the conditions were perfect.  It was the first time I’ve skied out west and experienced something so perfect. It was beautiful.


“You can do this.  Finish strong.”

It makes me know I can do this and finish school this year.  I know He loves me and He gives me strength.


  1. What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “Psalms teach us to say, “Forgive me, Lord”. Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? When did you stop this week to ask God for forgiveness? Respond with at least 5 complete sentences.
    What I learned the most about this week’s theme was that I can always ask God for forgiveness. What I think about the most about this week’s theme was that God already forgave us when he died on the cross. This week, when I read through the Psalm nothing, stood out to me. This week I stopped to ask God for forgiveness when I was being mean to my little brother. I also stopped to ask God for forgiveness when I was being difficult for my mom.
  1. With forgiveness comes repentance. To “repent” literally means to change directions. After we ask forgiveness, receiving God’s grace can cause us to want to act differently than before–to repent. Tell a story about a time when you acted differently after asking for forgiveness. OR tell about something that you would like to do differently in order to better reflect God’s love. What happened? How did you feel? Use at least 5 complete sentences.
    One day I kept picking on my little brother and being mean to him. Later that day I felt bad for the way I treated him. I asked God to forgive me but I also asked my little brother to also. After that, I went outside and played with him. I had gone from being mean to him to changing my ways and playing with him.

  2. Tell a story about something creative that you did this week. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen? Use at least 5 complete sentences.

This week I went on a hike with my family. We decided to go on a trail that was unmarked. We wanted to make our own way to the beach. While we hiked we found a big sand dune and ran down it. On the way back to our car we got lost. Eventually, we found our way back but we were on the totally opposite side of where we had parked.


  1. Did God speak to you clearly this week when choosing the possible theme? If so, describe what that was like. If you did not hear God’s voice, how did that make you feel? Did the Zoom on Tuesday make sense to you? Do you have any suggestions for the 8th-grade teachers on finding the theme during distance learning? Do you have any questions for the 8th-grade teachers?


Philippians 4:13 came to my mind because it’s my favorite verse.  I think God reminded me of that.  The zoom on Tuesday was a little confusing because everyone was talking at different times.  I don’t have any suggestions or questions right now.


  1. Describe one gift or talent that you have that you could use to lead ZCS next year? Where and when could that gift be used at ZCS? For example, you might say that you like to organize so you could help Mr. Commeret organize the Lost and Found. You would do this by…


I like making new friends so I could help make sure everyone feels included at school.  I’d like to help more people get to know each other by hanging out with different groups of people.  I love to ski and go to ski club so I could help get more kids involved in wanting to ski.  I could go talk to the 6th-grade classes about ski club because that might help them feel less intimidated to try it so more kids will want to go.


  1. Listen to these songs and connect the song to “Listening to God” or this week’s search for a theme. What phrase stuck out to you? Why? You may comment one sentence on each song or you may do all three of your sentences with one song. You may find a song that I do not mention below that fits with “Listening to God” or our theme week and use that too. I’m Listening – Chris McClarney Word of God Speak – Mercy Me -God Speaking – Mandisa Sound of Your Voice – Third Day


My favorite song was the last one, Sound of Your Voice by Third Day. I don’t know how to connect this to anything