blog reflection

1. How have you experienced God lately? How are you praying to see God’s presence in the world? 5 complete, detailed sentences
I have experienced God through the sunset and by being outside.  When I was in Arizona, I went outside at night and saw a lot of stars in the sky.  There were so many. It was amazing out there because we were in the middle of nowhere and the stars were more visible.  I am praying for all the people who have Coronavirus.  I am praying for healing and full recovery for them.
2. Describe a time when you were playing outside since the “Stay at Home” went into effect. What did you do? What was the weather like? How did the outside time make you feel? 5 complete, detailed sentences
We went on a hike up a big hill in Arizona.  At first, it was downpouring rain on us.  Then after awhile it cleared up and turned sunny.  The temperature was around 65-70 degrees.  The outside time made me feel good and gave me some exercise.  It was a lot of fun!
3. Describe one highlight and one “low-light” since your last blog post. 5 complete, detailed sentences.
sure to read the comment your teacher left for you after your first post during online learning.
A highlight has been being home again after going away to Arizona.  Also, I learned how to do a backflip on the ground.  A low-light has been doing school at home.  It is boring and it’s tough to do it online.  Another low-light is not being able to see my friends.

blog reflection

My week was good!  On Monday and Tuesday, I stayed close to home with friends.  It was nice not having school.  On Wednesday, I flew to Arizona.  This trip was planned before Rona hit.  The plane was only about a quarter full so we could all spread out.  We stayed with my grandparents at their RV park that we like to call, “The Wrinkle Ranch.” Thursday it rained and we worked on homework all day.  I took a break and climbed a big hill.  On Friday, I went on a walk with my grandpa, Ainsley and Josiah.  It was pretty cool!  We also went on a Rzr ride in the desert and I loved it!

Some of the highlights were seeing my grandparents, getting tan in Arizona, and the Rzr ride in the desert.  Some of the challenges were climbing the big hill and being away from my friends and having to do homework on vacation.  Climbing the hill was challenging because I had to help watch my little brother the entire way up and down.  He wasn’t listening and he ended up falling a lot.  He got scared when we got to the top because it was so high.

I want my teachers and classmates to know that I am missing my friends while I’m not at school.  I took a nasty spill on my climb down the hill because I stepped on a loose rock.  I slid quite a ways, but I was ok.  We were careful while we were travelling and the airports were like ghost towns. I got back safe and I’m starting to get caught up on my work.


Topic 1- conflict and doubt 


Israel’s name means struggled with God because the people of Israel struggled with God. In the story of Jacob it says how he literally wrestled with God. God knows that we will doubt him and questioning him and wrestle with him but not literally 

Topic 2-call 

God ask Isaac Abraham and Jacob to follow his call and move to new land. He also promised to make them all great nations he shows them that they will  have relatives like the sand on the beach and the stars in the sky God still calls people today so if you get called to move somewhere else or do something for the Lord you should follow his call 

Topic 3-Slavery and salvation 

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers but yet he still helps his family when the famine comes. Moses was born into slavery but helps the people escape Egypt. people can harm other people but out of that they can learn a lesson and help people like Joseph and Moses did for their people. 

Topic 4-Salute to  a king

There was a cycle of judges it would go well then the people would sin  then God would send enemies to attack the people for sinning then the people would cry out to God to send them a judge then they asked for a king to be like other nations. the people of Israel did as they saw fit and they would look at others and want to be like them, that’s why they asked God for a king 

Topic 5-Symbol of a lamp

God promised that through David the lamp will never go out. David was a man after God’s Own Heart even though he made many mistakes like  committing two crimes. but David’s line eventually leads to Jesus Who is the ultimate light of the entire world 


Old-school Kerosene Lamp Bright Color Cartoon Simple Style Flat Vector Illustration Isolated On White Background


Topic 6-Something is rotten

Israel had many lousy Kings God sent prophets to talk to the Israelites when Elijah was at Mount Carmel he showed the people of Israel that God was more powerful than bail a fake god. how long will you go back and forth between two Gods choose this day you will serve how long will you choose God today 

Topic 7-Slide to destruction                                                                                                        Israel had a king but still worshipped Baal so God sent Assyria to scatter them in to Different lands. Judah had two good Kings but the rest worshipped false gods and idols like bail so the Babylonians took over. the Kings focused on Power and popularity and not God’s law like they were supposed to you should listen to the prophets that God puts into your life so you can do it God’s way and not the way that the Israelites did it

Topic 8- A savior 

The people could not keep the Sinai Covenant so got offered a New Covenant the New Covenant would be written on their hearts and not need sacrifices since Jesus was the sacrifice when he was put on the cross. Jeremiah gave the New Covenant that was based on God’s grace and forgiveness it was based on God so that the people would not start worshipping false gods again.


  La capital de Colombia es BOGOTA.

Los paises que tocan Columbia son Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.

Oceanos que tocan Columbia son Oceano Pacifico y el Mar Caribe.

buenos dias  buenos tardas   buenos nocehs  


The king/the british

we gained lots of land last night from the Native americans

Credit: British Bulldog by English School, (19th century)
Private Collection/ Photo © Bonhams, London, UK/ The Bridgeman Art Library
Nationality / copyright status: English / out of copyright