January 28

Amazon Rainforest Land Use

There has been conflits about the Amazon Rainforest’s land use. I’m taking a stand for the native amazonians.


I have decided this group because it was theirs in the first place. They never abused the land and only used what they absolutely needed to use to survive. They cleared small pieces of lands for farming and when it was no longer fertile, they’d clear a spot somewhere else and the old land would return to it’s natural state. They never long-term hurt the rainforest and saved their resources. Think of it this way: you are slowly eating a chocolate bar. You are letting the chocolate melt in your mouth and slowly drip down your tongue piece by piece. Then a stranger who you have never seen before asks for a piece of chocolate. Maybe you would give them a piece, maybe not, but another person comes and takes an eighth of you chocolate bar, you’d probably not like that. When you tried to get it back, it was already in their mouth and it was obvious you weren’t getting it back. Then another person comes and takes half of the remaining chunk you have, also puts it in their mouth even quicker. Then another person takes all of it but one little square. That little square is yours to keep. It’s okay sharing, but seriously, don’t give away everything(world prospective– science and social studies are like natural enemies to bible class), so is it really okay to take away the native amazonians’ land?


So, I think the settlers are selfish and the loggers are jerks. Cattle ranchers, they are not too bad, but seriously stealing our land for stupid animals?! Humans are more more important than stinky animals. The settlers claim that the government forced them to move. If thats true, then why didn’t they learn our way of life, we could of showed them. On top of that, why do you need so much space?! We lived here like what? 12,000 years and just one day all of a sudden someone’s like, “You need land plots ten miles by ten miles per person. Oh yeah, if you don’t listen to me, you’ll die” and you actually believe them?! For the loggers, you say you help pay for Brazil’s debt by cutting down trees? Well, last time I checked, you can’t eat a tree, and if Brazil’s having a problem with debt, why not put a price on air?! Or should we charge you for “killing” all the air around here?! Seriously, if you want to help pay for brazil’s debt, just become a rubber tapper, jeez. No one makes sense here except us Native Amazonians, the environmentalists and kind of rubber tappers. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to steal?! Jeez, people these days.

January 16

Eight Themes of the Bible



theme 1- slide to destruction



theme two- salute to a king




Photo on 1-15-15 at 11.25 PM

theme 3 – names

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theme 4- covenants



theme 5- call




theme 6- slavery/salvation

Photo on 1-15-15 at 8.51 PM

theme 7- a savoir


theme 8- Sinai law
