May 28

African Union Day

African Union Day is a day in the school year that (most of)the ZCS students dress up and act as the African Union. The African union, which is also called the A.U., is a group of countries in Africa that tries to help major continent issues. The two moderators were the two Social Studies teachers that acted as the chairmen for the meetings and decisions. The kids made resolutions of a problem of a African country named Burundi. The children looked into what the conflict was about and used their knowledge of an African country that they had been researching for the past few weeks to make these resolutions and voted upon their favorite ones. The children met with the other kids who researched their country and even worked together with neighboring countries or with countries that they trusted.

What I thought was significant was how quickly countries came together. After 30 seconds of stop sharing ideas, there was a group of countries bonded together. What I wished was different would be maybe larger discussion times because my group came up with their idea in the last three minutes. Also, we should have been able to work in the hallway because it was loud and stuffy in the classroom. Plus it was hard to move around with everyone else moving around too. I felt like the classroom seemed so much bigger because there seemed to me oh, 5,000 people in that room. I guess my favorite thing was that we weren’t assigned an argument.  Like, “you go argue that the refugees should be sent back to Burundi or whatever.”

May 5


Francois Pinaer was the captain of the Spring bokke, the national rugby team for South Africa. In the beginning of the movie, he did not like the blacks. At the end of the movie, he cared about the blacks as one of his own teammates after seeing how much Nelson Mandela believed in the team in which was considered the “white man’s game.” When he saw how small the cell that the president was in for 27 years was, I think that’s when his last bad thoughts of the blacks disappeared.


This represents the end of apartheid because he really cares about his fellow South Africans both black and white ones. He even let his maid see a game and he taught some black children how to play rugby. He realized that if he won the world cup, Nelson Mandela would sew thhe country together.