
Where do I begin? This was an amazing movie, I loved it a lot. Basic plot is how Nelson Mandela uses rugby to unite South Africa after the fall of apartheid. One of the things I loved was how the movie was 100% based on a true story. Overall, it was an amazing movie!

Hunting the Elements

I learned that there are strong magnets that can repel sharks. The magnet is made of neodymium.  Neodymium is part of the section called the “rare earths.” Most of the rare earths are from China, about 98%. That was the coolest part. But there was also a cool glass that people can make. You add small amounts of specific metals to make it super strong. Those are some things I learned.

Bible Exam Project


names visual

Names were important in the Bible times, and they still are today. Everybody knows who you are because of your name. In the Bible times, introducing yourself using your name was saying what your name meant. For example, my name is Sarah. Introducing myself like they did in the Bible times means I would say “Hello. My name is Sarah.” But they would hear “Hello, my name is Princess.” The people in the Bible times tried to live up to their name. God had a lot of names. Some, like El, make God seem powerful. And some, like Yahweh (or YHWH), make God seem more loving. But no matter what we call God, all of his names matter. They take into account all of his amazing traits. Our names matter too. God can use them to make amazing things happen. Take Elijah for example. His name means “The Lord is My God.” He proved this on Mount Carmel. The priests of Baal tried for a really long time to get Baal to set fire to a pile of wood. But, of course since Baal is an idol, he did not. Elijah asked God once, and God sent down fire. The priests then bowed down to the TRUE God. Elijah proved that, indeed, “The Lord is My God.” Now, I call myself a Christian, which translates into “Little Christ.” I want to do what they would have in the Bible times, and live up to my name being a little Christ.



conflict:doubt visual

Doubt is part of being a human. You can doubt friends, family, even God sometimes. And it can be hard. Like tug of war. Your mind has questions about God, but your heart tells you that you shouldn’t question God. But it is okay to ask questions. That’s how we learn, by asking questions. Mother Teresa asked questions, and she had major doubts. But she knew that God was greater, that he would get her through these tough times. Gideon doubted and questioned God many times, and God still used him to save the Israelites. I know that it is okay to ask questions. Our human minds, though great, can not even begin to wrap around God’s amazingness. Our doubts can be used to trust God more, because he knows more than we do.



call visual

God makes a lot of promises. And we respond. For example, Abraham. God made a promise to Abraham that he would be the father of the nations. And God kept this promise. From Abraham came the Israelites. God calls us to do things, some small and some big. This is very “Christianese.” God does not literally call us on a phone. He gives us nudges, through others and ourselves. I feel God has called me to work with special needs children, or even adults. I work well with kids with autism especially. And a blue puzzle piece is the logo. That is why I chose it for a visual. I feel that God is calling me to do that, and so I need to respond. I will respond and do what God wants me to do.



slavery:salvation visual

God took the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. They had been there for a long time. But now God wanted them out. So he took them out. Slavery is not always the act of owning another human or animal and making them work for you. Slavery can be other things. Things that get in the way of your freedom. That’s what slavery is, taking away someone’s freedom. And certain things can do that. For example, breast cancer. When my mom got breast cancer, simple things, like taking a shower, suddenly were so much more difficult. And even after everything was over, sometimes, if someone bumps her just right or the road is bumpy in a certain spot, it hurts her. She didn’t need ANY chemo or radiation. But she did have a surgery. I can’t even imagine how much of a “slave” to breast cancer some people that get like Stage 4 cancer. They really do become a slave to cancer. But once they beat it, they have been “set free” from their “slavery.” And God can use our “slaveries” in many different ways. But I know that, no matter what happens, God will eventually take me out of my personal “slavery.”

Sinai Law

sinai law visual

When God gave the Israelites The Law on Mount Sinai he essentially married them. Marriage is a conditional covenant where both parties keep the terms. But before Moses had even gotten down the mountain, Israel had already broken the covenant. They had made a golden calf. An idol. God was very upset. But he still remained faithful. He did not have to do that, but he did. Everybody has their “golden calf ” or “golden calves.” Mine is my electronics. If something is happening, instead of going to God, I tend to put in my earbuds and shut out the world. I use my earbuds instead of God for an escape. And I shouldn’t. I really should trust God more, and get rid of my “golden calf.”

Salute to a King

salute to a king visual

Israel wanted a king. There are two types of kings; nagid and melek. A nagid is a man who follows God. A melek is a military ruler, an army man. God wanted the people to have a nagid, but they wanted a melek because that is what all the other nations had. But God wanted his kingdom to be different. God was trying to prove to his kingdom, and us, that what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular. My 6th grade Bible teacher, Mr. N, had this poster hanging up in his room. It is very easy to confuse our “nagids” and “meleks.” Sometimes we think God wants us to have or do something, but he really doesn’t. So we have to be careful. But we all need a “nagid” in our life.

Symbol of a Lamp

symbol of a lamp visual

God made a covenant with David that his line would always rule. From David’s line came Jesus. In multiple scripture passages, multiple different people refer to Jesus from David’s line. For example, in Jeremiah 33:15, the author says “ I will make a righteous Branch shoot up from the line of David…”  referring to Jesus. They are talking about an olive branch, because that kind of imagery was useful in that society at that time. Another example is when Jesus is referred to as a lamp. His light will shine forever in the kingdom of heaven, and little glimpses can be caught down here on earth. Jesus’s light is needed in so many dark places, and we can help spread his light.

A Savior

a savior visual

The Old Testament gives a lot of hints of what Jesus was going to be like. And even more imagery on what the world will look like at Jesus’s second coming. But it also gave a lot of hints at a new covenant, one that is unconditional. An unconditional covenant is one where only the more powerful party needs to keep the terms. This new covenant is marked by grace and forgiveness. The cost is Jesus’s death and resurrection. But now we know that because of his sacrifice, at his second coming, the lion will lay down with the lamb. Which is really cool. And hopefully, I will stay in the faith and can see this happen. That will be the best day ever, because everyone will meet Jesus. God made sure that the time was right to send his son for the first time, so he will make sure that the time is just right for his second coming.

Eggs Solve Echos

Mrs. VanByssum had a problem. Her office had a terrible echo. To solve this major issue, different groups came up with different solutions. Ours was quite unique. We are putting painted egg cartons onto plywood and then attaching the plywood to the wall of Mrs. VanByssum’s office. This will work because when the sound hits the egg cartons it will bounce off the bumps of the egg cartons at the opposite angle. The sound will continue to do this until the sound is eventually lost. During this entire project, I learned many creative ways to reduce echoes. I enjoyed hearing about all the other, also creative, ideas that other groups came up with.


Book Review: I Am Malala (1)

The story of Malala is one story that I wish to read over and over again. It inspires those who read it to make a difference in the world, no matter their age. The beginning tells the story of a younger Malala. What her life is like and things of that sort. She is a normal girl, until one day a mysterious voice on the radio changes everything. Suddenly she becomes an activist, who stands up for the right to girls education. Then the Taliban attacks. On a bus ride home, her life changes in an instant. She wakes in a hospital, not sure what happened to her. Her left side doesn’t want to work, and she can’t close her left eye. When she learns what happened to her, she is shocked, but not crushed. She keeps doing what she does, standing up for those that don’t have a voice. She says that though the Taliban tried to silence them, they only made it more known. They pretty much caused their own demise.

Malala is a very selfless girl. For example, when she was in the hospital she worried how her family was going to pay for her treatment instead of how hurt she was. She is also very brave. For example, even after the Taliban shot her, she still spoke for those who don’t have a voice. If everyone was a little less selfish and a little more brave, the world would be a better place.

Life in an Ancient Greek City

My legs stay firmly in place, as my eyes stare at the men talking about the days events in politics. My father is among them. I miss my father everyday when he has to leave for the Council of 500. My mother is at home, and I was sent to the agora. The boats come in the harbor, the many faces piling onto the streets. Merchants yell from their stands to buy honey and other goods. I have not been here in ages. The Assembly meets today. My heart tells me to go in but I can’t. My father will be there, as he is every ten days, and I will miss him, just like always. At home, Mother is probably weaving one thing or another to sell at the agora, and my older brother is at school. The slave must be tutoring my younger brother. Mother must be in the same room to supervise the tutoring. Mother is kind to the slave, but the slave is still the slave. My eyes scan the crowd, clutching my few coins to buy a little wine for my mother and father. My eyes thirst for my strong and proud father, for I know the day will come when I will not have the choice, and someone will choose for me. I hope that someone that chooses for me is my father. I wish I was not a girl, though Mother has taught me skills such as how to weave and spin. She also has taught me how to make sure the slaves stay in line. She taught me how to teach my little brother, as I will need to do that with my son once I get married. I know my father is proud of his freedom. My brothers are looking forward to being able to do what my dad does. But I will forever not be able to own land, to always be held accountable for my future children and household. But at the same time, I am glad I live in this wonderfully creative place called Athens.


Egypt Project

What the sixth graders at ZCS have been doing for the month of November is studying Egypt in the hope that at the end the students would be able to make an exhibit on two topics of their group’s choosing. My group’s exhibit was on the topics of art and religion. We made some keynotes and some art pieces.

One thing I learned about was that the Book of the Dead was very important to the ancient Egyptians. This book was how they got into the afterlife. It depicted how the weighing of the heart was conducted. The weighing of the heart was the only way to get into the afterlife. Your heart would be weighed against the Feather of Truth. If your heart was lighter than the feather, then you could go to the afterlife. If it was heavier though, a crocodile monster would eat your soul, which was what lived in the afterlife. If you had no soul, then you really, truly, gone and dead.

I learned that group work can be hard sometimes, but it is worth it because sometimes you can make a new friend. I also learned that you need to be prepared to present at any time. Also you should learn how to present to more than one person at a time and still keep their attention. This is so you can teach more people about the topic you are presenting.

Why is Band Fun?

I play flute in band! This is something you might not have known about me. But I am here to tell you why band is fun! The most fun thing is you get to play amazing pieces of music you otherwise never hear about. One example is a song called Rock Around the Clock. It is an amazing song, but if I wasn’t in band I never would have heard it. That is the most fun thing about band!


I love math! This will be about what I learned this week. Do you like math?

This week in math I learned how to estimate with decimals. There are a few different ways. My favorite is front-end estimation. So let’s say that the problem was 12.63 + 13.45 + 4.9. What you do first is take the front number(s), in this case 12, 13, and 4, and then add them together. This answer is 29. This number is minimum. Now you need to add estimate the decimals. In this case that would be 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5. This equals to 1.5. Now you add the first number to the second number. In this case that would be 29 + 1.5. The answer would 30.5. Now you round that number to the nearest whole number. So the answer for THIS answer is 31. So by using this process you can say that the answer would somewhere between 29 and 31. That is how this process works.

5 Weeks of 6th Grade

Hey peeps! I have been in school for the past 5 weeks. Cue the celebration music! 🙂 But seriously, I love 6th grade. My friends are great, and I’ve already experienced a bit of middle school drama. Academically , I feel like I’m doing just fine. I love math a bunch more this year. I feel like I can thrive better. This year we’re doing stuff at our own pace. I feel like last year, we moved either too fast or too slow. I love this year in math because if we don’t get something, then we work until we get it. Last year we moved on, even if you weren’t sure how something worked. I think reading is the same as always: the best subject ever! I love reading, so this year I can read more books, and I love it!!! I feel like I’m am doing better in science. I think that I am better at Bible too. I love school!

Tell me: what is your fav school subject?



Hi  guys. I’m sorry I haven’t blogged in a while, it’s just that I was away at camp Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am sick too. I got a cold on Friday, and my ear hurt on Saturday. I am feeling a little bit better. I am not to sick to go to school though. I hope you had a great week, and I will see you tomorrow.

How was your week?



Hi guys. Do you play an instrument? I play the piano and the flute. I play flute for the school band, and piano for fun. I love playing instruments because it is a responsibility.



Hey guys! I know that this might be something that you think is outdated a few months. I am going to talk about Frozen. I personally thought Frozen was okay, but I think that I liked the music more than the film itself.  My favorite song was “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” My favorite character was Olaf or Ana. I think that Olaf was hilarious and Ana was just plain cool. Did you get the pun? 😛 One of my favorite single lines in the movie was, “I don’t know if this is going to help, but I just found a giant staircase leading to right where you want to go.” Said by Olaf. I just think that is so, so, FUNNY!!! One of my favorite scenes is when Elsa builds the ice castle. Me and my dad disagree on which “Let It Go” version is better. My dad thinks its the Demi Lovato version. I think its the Idina Menzel version. Which one do you like better? Tell me in the comments!

What is your fav song/scene/character etc.


Bible Verses

Hi guys! If you did not already know, I am a Christian. Are you a Christian? Tell me in the comments. Well, I think I should start a new page and this page will have a new Bible Verse at least once a month, hopefully more. Just wanted to let you guys know! Also, I will try my best to upload more often. I do go to a private school, so I am really busy after homework and such. However, I will try my best to post more. I am not saying I’ll have really long posts, I’m just saying I will try to post more. One more thing, do you like the new theme? This is the best by far, I think. Tell me in the comments.



I hope all you readers had a good summer. I personally had a great summer. If you are an avid reader you will notice I haven’t posted in a little bit. This is because I have been busy all summer For one, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer on May 16, 2014. She then had her first surgery on June 23, 2014. The rest of july she didn’t leave the house that much, only to go to doctors appointments. While she was laid up, I helped with my school’s CLC summer school for little kids. If you didn’t already know, CLC stands for Christian Learning Center. In other words, special needs kids. I did this 2 days a week, sometimes more, from 9am to 12pm. I loved helping with the little kids, it made my day. I was so sad when it ended on the second week of August. I didn’t know what I would do all morning. I made it through and know I have started school. I had it on Tuesday-Thursday this week, and next week is Tuesday-Friday. The week following I am in school Monday-Friday from then on. Well that’s all for now.

How was your summer? What was your favorite think about it? Tell me below!



Just in case you don’t know, my mom has breast cancer. Her surgery will be Monday, June 23, 2014.

I really don’t know what else to say. Prayers are appreciated very much. Thank you.


God’s Great Love

This is my memoir I’ve been working on. I hope you enjoy it!

God’s Great Love

By: Sarah Kass


Though bad things happen, God will be with us. That is God’s great love for us. God tells us in his word that he will “never leave us or forsake us.” He is always by our side even when bad things happen.


When a family member is ill, God is there. Like when you break a bone, God is there. Maybe your parents are fighting a lot. God will always be just a whisper away. He is always watching and caring for you. Even when you don’t know that God is really there and bad things happen. In other words, God is always by our side. These are examples of God’s love for us.


Like a sticker and a piece of paper, God is stuck on you with his love. You know when you rub a balloon on your hair, and when you pull the balloon away, the hair wants to be by the balloon? God is the hair and you and your problems are the balloon. Only this time the “balloon” doesn’t get very far. The hair is a symbol for God’s great love for us.


In hard times life will go on. Maybe some changes will happen. That’s okay. Through the whole ordeal, God has been watching and loving you.Things will get better, because of God’s love for us. God has been with you this whole time. Every step of the way. This is one way how God shows his great love.


I wish that ‘God always loves us’ had been the first thing in my mind when my grandma Mimi got off the phone. When she said the fateful words. When we held back our tears. I did not feel God’s great love right then, though it was there for sure.


“Uh huh… oh my… oh no… bye.”


The phone clicked off. I stopped what I was doing and turned around.


“Who was that?” Those words are usually the first words out of my mouth when someone gets off the phone.


“Aunt Myrna,” my grandma replied. I knew. I knew why Aunt Myrna had called.


“What’s the deal with Ellie?” I held my breath. When Mimi said the word, it hit me like a slap in the face.


“Cancer…” After that I tuned out for a minute. Granny O, Granny O, Granny O, Granny O. That’s the only thing running through my mind. Granny O had died of cancer. I’m back as soon as I went away. I still have Granny O on my mind though. She was my great-grandma. About 4 years ago Granny O had died. She had had stomach cancer for a few months.


One day, I came home from school and mom sat down on the couch. She tearfully and quietly told me that Granny O had died, and that she had seen Granny O take her last breath. I didn’t see why I couldn’t have seen Granny O take her last breath. It felt like my life was shattered.


God had been with us during that time. He had loved us. He still loved us. Things got better because God loved us. Now he was testing us again.


My grandpa Pops started to tear up.


“What kind?” I asked quietly.


“We don’t know anything more then it’s cancer at this point. The leg pain is because of a large tumor on that side of her hip.The leg tumor is connected to one they just found on her back. The doctors just don’t know what to do,” Mimi responded quietly.


In other words, Ellie was sick and no one knew what she had. So they couldn’t do anything until they knew what was wrong.


“She is going to die.” The first words out of my grandpa’s mouth stunned me.


“David! She will not. Don’t say those kind of things.” My grandma was a little upset at Pops. So was I.


“I’m just saying. No answers mean no treatment. If they don’t find out what it is soon, she could die.”


“Don’t say that word again!” Mimi practically screamed the words at Pops. I wanted to let my tears flow. I held back though.


My dad came to pick us up soon after the incident. I had been at my grandma and grandpa’s house when this happened. I got in the house, got ready for bed, and told Dad what I knew. That night, I cried myself to sleep.


God’s great love was still with us.


When I got the announcement, I freaked out. We had no answers at the time. Was God with us? He was. Did God still love us? He did.


Looking back, I could’ve thought ‘God and his great love will be with us’. I didn’t though. But God had been and still is with us the whole time. He still loves us all the time. This verse has made it’s way into my life: “He will never leave you or forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

Now I know. God is with us. Always. He loves us. Always.

I hope that you enjoyed it1


Bible Memory

So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

He said to them, “Go out into the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

Mark 15:15-16

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of our Father. And even the very hairs on our head are numbered. So do not worry, for you are worth more than many sparrows.

Matthew 10:29-31


This are my Bible verses this week.

1 2 3 4