The ZCS Experience

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God at work

Paul was being used by God even from the start of his life. He was a well-educated Pharisee so he knew the law well and knew how to make an argument (evidence, debatable claim, commentary). He was also a tentmaker so… Continue Reading →

Persecution Project

When we did this persecution project, our group did actually a lot of stuff. We wrote essays, made Kahoots, made presentations, made voice-overs, made posters and made lego models, donation boxes and all sorts of creative ways to display our… Continue Reading →

Usain Built (a tower)

What our group did well was to make an efficient tower so we had money to spend on tape at the end. What we did poorly was that we lacked in stability and our thing was kind of tilted. For… Continue Reading →

Chain Thing

The thing I think will work the best is the twine because twine is super strong and also I doubt that the straws will break. I don’t think that it was a great idea to have all those pipe cleaners… Continue Reading →

Beginning of the Year Reflection

One thing I have enjoyed so far this year is history class. It’s fun because we get to do all sorts of things and we go back in time and have debates and those sorts of things. This year I… Continue Reading →

Usain Boat

What we did with our boat was we made it like a catamaran with popsicle sticks across the middle. We had wood posts with note cards as the firm sail attached to the stick. We made the pontoons out of… Continue Reading →

What I did this summer

This summer I went camping out west with my family. We went camping at a lot of national parks including Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, and Yosemite. We stayed with some family out in California and went swimming in their pools and… Continue Reading →



Como voy a participar en los elecciones y en la democracia? Yo se que voy a votar cuando soy más viejo y tal vez yo haría algo para hacer que hay mas conocimiento sobre las problemas politicas y la democracia en general. Una… Continue Reading →


  Egipto piensa que la UA debe quedar como es porque nuestro país no va a beneficiar de tener democracia ni realmente queremos la democracia.   La democracia es cuando un pais es controlado por la communidad y los ciudadanos… Continue Reading →

Apartheid Reflexion

Lo que yo aprendí cuando estabamos estudiando apartheid fue la injustistidad del racismo. No es justo que hay personas negras que no tienen chance para ser ricos ni tienen todos los oportunidades o beneficios que tienen blancos. Yo se que esto no realmente… Continue Reading →


I knew going into today that Africa had a lot of poverty but I learned today about like the slave trade and how a lot of black people didn’t get voting rights or even opinions. I used to think that they… Continue Reading →

Investigacion Libre

Esto es el “link” para mi proyecto de Scratch.

Viaje por Europa

Mexico DF

En los ultimos dos semanas nosotros hemos estudiado el Mexico DF(distrito federal). Lo que mas me llamo fue que hay personas que no tienen casas bien construidas, ni tienen agua corriente y ni siquiera tienen sufficientes policias. Ellos no tienen educaciones buenas y sus… Continue Reading →


La cosa mas importante de las amazonas probablemente sería como ayudar a los nativos. Es mas complejo que podrías pensar porque es como causa y efecto, si cambias una cosa muchas cosas van a cambiar y algunos van a ser cambios malos. Otra… Continue Reading →

Themes of the Old Testament

Conflict and Doubt In the section conflict and doubt, a lot of stuff comes up. To me, the principles that come up the most would be trusting God. The picture above is a nurse/doctors hat. For me, that points to… Continue Reading →

Todo sobre el Immigracion

What I remember from when JP came Facts: 1.Mean lady he got her 2.Water up to knees 3.Shop for shoes 4.Salt lake city 5.Salad/Shrimp 6.Bagel 7.Sarcasm 8.Basketball 9.Winter 10.Bobblehead 11.Leprosy 12.Temperature in India 13.Airports 14.Visa 15.Audio Bible 16.Tall indian short… Continue Reading →

Desafío de COnsumo

Desafío de Consumo   En Estados Unidos un promedio de 95 por ciento de personas tienen un teléfono. También adolescentes promedian tener 9 horas usando la tecnología aunque esto incluye cosas como escuchando música pero esto es muchísimo. Esta semana… Continue Reading →

Living on one dollar

Today we watched a documentary called living on one dollar. It was about these guys who went to pena blanca in Guatamala and spent 56 days living on one dollar a day. It was really fasinating when they were talking… Continue Reading →

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