Thematic Writing- Esperanza Rising

Sophie Manning

Mrs. Roskamp

L.A., 8A

19 October 2016


Esperanza Rising

The setting for Esperanza Rising is in Mexico and in southern California in 1924. The main character is Esperanza Ortegas. She is an 11 year old girl who lives on a big estate in Mexico with her family. The estate, which is called El Rancho de las Rosas, has large vineyards and many head of cattle. Esperanza has servants, fancy clothes, fine china and fancy furniture. All these things change,however, when her uncles Tio Luis and Tio Marco destroy her life by murdering her father and taking over the ranch. When her mother refuses to marry Tio Luis, he burns down their estate house and the fields. Esperanza and her mother have to escape to California and become migrant workers. Through this book I learned that material things are not all that important for a happy life.

The first new situation in Esperanza’s life is taking the train from Mexico to California. Her family has to sit in the back of the train with the peasants. The back of the train is dirty, smelly and crowded. Esperanza remembers when she was a little girl and her papa took her on the train in the dining car. In her former life, she had leather seats, fancy, white, tablecloths, silverware and waiters. Now she has none of these things. Esperanza is carrying a fancy, expensive doll with her that her father gave to her for her birthday. A peasant girl sees the doll and wants to play with it. Esperanza won’t let her touch it because she says her hands are dirty. A year later, after many experiences, hard work in the fields and hardships, Esperanza gives her doll away to a different peasant girl.  She no longer thinks about possessions as being important.  She has learned that the happiness of others is more important.

Another significant thing happens on the train. Her mother strikes up a conversation with another peasant woman, named Carmen. She is a widow who has eight children. Carmen has no place to live, so she stays with her brother and helps his family with their new baby. Even though she has very little, she gives two chickens to Esperanza’s mother “to start a new life”.  She is very generous.  She says, “ I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses and I have my faith and memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?” Again, a year later, Esperanza learns to value her family and the joy of caring for others.  As time goes on, she cares for her sick mother and her servants’ babies, Pepe’ and Lupe’.  

Through this book I learned that material things are not all that important. I really enjoyed this book.  This book made me feel more grateful for what I have. It made me  think that even if I wasn’t so fortunate, I could still be happy.  I would have a family, faith and maybe a garden with roses.

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