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Nigeria Persecution

This week in bible class we have been focusing on Christian Persecution, the group I have been working with has been focusing in on persecution in Nigeria. Persecution in Nigeria is horrendous. There are thousands of christian being killed every year by radical muslims groups, mainly Boko Haram. The government doesn’t prohibit christianity, but they also don’t encourage it. The most recent attack by a radical muslim group happened in a girls schools, they kidnapped a lot of girls in the middle of the night and non of the girls have been returned that we know of. Can you imagine being kidnapped in the middle of the night by complete strangers?

Most of us have never even experienced anything even remotely like that. And we don’t really understand how scary it would be, and how we can help. Well there are a lot of ways that we can help. We can donate money, food, clothing, but most importantly we can donate our time. We can pray for them. After all we can control what happens in Nigeria, but God can and he’s in control.


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Stephen Project

This week we have been looking into the story of Stephen. Stephen was a man full of the word, and wanted to share it to everyone around him; even if it might mean death. He eventually got stoned to death because of what he believed in. Here is a liitle project I did on him.

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Holy Spirit

          The Holy Spirit is a person, the third person in the Holy Trinity; God the Father, the Son, and and Holy Spirit, also known as the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is a divine person, with a mind, emotions, and a will. The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to bear witness of Jesus Christ. Sometime we think that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the same person, but they really are some of God’s attributes fall on the Son and the Holy Spirit as well. The Holy Spirit is such an amazing person, we would not be here without it.

        We are a Christian family are told to live in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives light to those who believes in Jesus. The Holy spirit is in a way our conscience, if we do something that we are not supposed to do we are lying to the Holy Spirit, but if we do something that we know is good we are making the Holy Spirit happy. Holy Spirit makes our lives full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In a way the Holy Spirit is a teacher to us, it is constantly revealing knowledge, and showing us about the bible. Without the Holy Spirit who would we be?

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Jesus’ Crucifixion

Jesus’ crucifixion was an awful and gruesome thing, yet he did it for us to save us from our sin. In class, we have been talking about the crucifixion and his last seven words. We talked about jesus’ trust, compassion, completion, hope, forgiveness, humanity, and obedience and how we can do the same. The one word I focussed on most was his trust; he trusted God so much that he was willing to die on a cross, because he knew that God had a plan for him. This made me think about how I should trust God more than any other thing in the world, because he has a plan.

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