All the assignments & due dates you'll ever need!

Month March 2017

April 10 – 14

Happy week back from spring break – hope you feel well rested!  6th M 4/10 . Begin research project, blog post #5 due W 4/12 . Work time F 4/14 . Work time 7th M 4/10 . Children’s book project due if… Continue Reading →

March 27 – 31

March actividades due Wednesday of this week!  6th M 3/27 . Review for test W 3/29 . Unit 5 test, actividades due F 3/31 . No school – Spring Break! Blog post #5 due after break!  7th M 3/27 . Project work time W 3/29… Continue Reading →

March 20 – 24

Don’t forget that March activities are due a bit early – next week Wednesday, March 29!  6th M 3/20 . No school  – conferences W 3/22 . Comic strip project due, work on review sheet F 3/24 . Review sheet due, study for test… Continue Reading →

March 13 – 17

End of the quarter is Friday! Get things in! 8th grade ZPS kids – deadline to sign up for test out is Friday, March 17!  6th M 3/13 . Grammar – the verb ir W 3/15 . Begin miniproject F 3/17 . Project work… Continue Reading →

March 6 – 10

We are in the home stretch until the end of term 3 – only two weeks! Make sure you have assignments in and revised!  6th M 3/6 . Grammar – the verb estar W 3/8 . Practice activities F 3/10 . Practice activities… Continue Reading →

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