My Personal Narritive

Building My First Project

By: Thomas Denbleyker

One warm spring day at are house my dad and I walked to our barn. We were going there to sand a board for the shelves for my mom.

When we got to the barn I had an idea that I wanted to build even though I was only 5.

So I asked him I said”, Dad can I build something?”

He said”,sure can. What do you want to build?”

So I said”, I would like to build a 3 blocks and paint them.”

So we found a long board. Got two clamps and camped it down so I could saw it. I sawed it and took it and sanded it. It was smoth so it was ready to be painted. My Dad and I walked back up to the house I asked my mom,” Mom, can you find some green paint so I can paint my wood project.” She said”, Thomas you made a wood project,”

My dad said”, Yes he did.”

So my mom found me some news paper and some paint, and I painted away then I was finally done.

So I said”, Dad I am done painting! What now?”

He said”, Now you can help me build selves for your mom

I said”, Ok I’ll help since I’m a good builder.”

So we went downstairs and glued all the pieces we had cut and went upstairs and had lunch.

Then after lunch my Dad said,” Now Thomas the glue should be dry.”

So I said,” that sounds fine an dandy.”

I Like to build a lot of stuff and fix things.

“let’s get back to it,” I said

 We went to the basement. The glue was dry so we got out a can of paint and pord it in a paint tray. I got a paint roller and painted all four shleves. We waited for the paint to dry so we could put on the secound cote of paint so we let the dry then we were done.

So we went up stairs and said the shelves are done

My mom said,” that sound great.”

So she came downstairs and said,” they look great.”

So we carried them up stairs and hung them up. To this day they still hang there.

I think they were well built. They hang right over are fire place. I remember that day me and my dad built a lot of things know.Even five years later my Dad and I still build things

  1. Kris DenBleyker

    Hi Thomas!
    The story is GREAT!!!
    you are a great writier!
    I know you have lots of building stories : )


    • Author tdenbleyker21


    • Author tdenbleyker21


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