Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons

By:Thomas DenBleyker

We all sat on the bench in order we all got up and jumped in the water. We were getting tested how long we could hold are breathe we put are face in the water then miss Carry counted we did it two times. The best one was 20 seconds the other time was 14 seconds.

I had a great time at swimming lessons in 4th grade. It was so so much fun.

I was the second longest person to hold my Mason in my class he held his breathe for 21 seconds he was 1 second long then me.

It was a fun two weeks at swimming. We had a great time and I did to. It was great I wish.

  1. Kris DenBleyker

    GREAT story!
    You are awesome at holding your breath! Great work!!!
    Thanks for sharing your story on the blog!!!

    Love it!
    and Love YOU!!!!!

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      Mr.bouman had us put it on are blog!!!!

  2. mbalder21

    nice story thomas

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      liked your story i read it last night

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      Thancks mason

  3. Great Job Thomas. I bet it felt good to swim this time of the year.

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      It was fun
      Love, Thomas

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