Sledding With 3 School Buddies

In school we went sledding with my mom’s three schoolers here is the essay I wrote

Sledding With 3 schoolers

By:Thomas DenBleyker

Going Sledding with 3 school buddies is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom is a 3 school teacher witch is so so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! The 3 schoolers know my mom and I got to have 30 more minutes of sledding that day. I think that they are so so awesome.

  1. Kris DenBleyker

    Hi Thomas!
    Great work on your essay! I’m SO glad you could help with the 3 – schoolers!!!
    Love You!

    • Author tdenbleyker21


  2. Hi Thomas,
    I think you are pretty awesome to be a buddy to these 3 schoolers as well.
    Grandpa F.

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      Yes it was awesome

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