My Homework Essay


By Thomas DenBleyker

Many people think homework is good but I’ve come to know that homework is bad.Homework is a type of work that is bad! We should be free at home. Some of us play sports such as like: lacrosse, baseball, football, basketball. Joey Fischer said,” we should not have homework. Then I have time to drive RC car/trucks and play my iPod touch and just hang out with friends. “

Homework has to be done inside so you don’t get fresh air Allen DenBleyker said,” homework is bad because It takes up good quality time to be outside exercising.” I think the same thing as Allen.

Sometimes teachers give you too much homework. Again there is not a good side because know maybe teachers will start not giving homework. and when you are at home you may have to stay up and you lose sleep and may not get how to do the homework and your parents don’t get how and can’t ask a teacher so you are confused

I took a look in my class and asked people if they liked homework or didn’t like it and the final thing was. I got 1 yes I like homework, 3 said I hate doing it, 11 no I don’t like it 1 yes I like it.

Colin Kalkman said”, I like it because it gives him something to do.”

Charlie Tucker said”, It takes up time to play outside and get fresh air.” he hates homework.

My thesis is true. Because this is true, because I’m not a big fan of doing homework.



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