The Letter to the King George

Dear King,
Thank you for keeping us safe but I am mad because you need us to house the troops you send to us but you put taxes on every thing for us so I think you should not expect us to feed and water the troops.
I am from New York and you need to listen to me and stop this I’m Thomas. Will send you this letter and if this is not good I we have people that agree with me send you a letter also.
I think I am working so hard to water and feed my family and me that I should not have to pay taxes and feed someone else that is not even part of my family so I will not.
Even though you are putting taxes on everything I don’t like the quartering act because I don’t care if you put taxes on other thing but feeding some else this is not cool you need to ether take the taxes off or stop thinking we will feed and water and give the troops shelter.

The guy from New York,


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