Memoir Writing

Stopping Wants
by:Thomas DenBleyker

When you ask for something or to learn something it may not come for days, weeks, months, or years. Sometimes you may say you want a toy so you ask your parents and you beg and beg and they say maybe later. You wait for days, weeks, months, and years until you get what you wanted.

Sometimes you say you can do it yourself but your parents say you’re too young to do it. For an example when you want to learn to cut a piece of wood with a hand saw. You will say ,“I can do it my self” but they say ,“ your to young,” or like when you ask for a toy. When you want something it’s important to remember to look at pros and cons or compare it to like boots to running shoes. Shoes are fast and boots slow you down. The shoes are like when you have an open mind but the boots slow you down like when you are focused on what you want.

You don’t learn to cut that piece of wood until your about 10 years old. When you wanted to learn to cut it when you were about 8 1/2 years old.
Only this time I wish it went my way like the boots simile. I had my mind set on learning to drive one of my grandpa’s big farm tractors but it was not working. When it happened I felt like when I got a bad grade in school like getting a F- not a A+ on a test. Another situation is when I wanted to get a stuffed animal out of a arcade game but I just couldn’t get it out of the arcade game. I should have just had an open mind like the running shoes simile.

“Grandpa can I learn to drive the C?” I said.
The C is big farm tractor my grandpa has. It is the one that my brother Allen learned on when he was my age so now it was time for me to learn to drive it.
My grandpa said,”I wish you could drive it, but I went to move it the other day and when I started it there were sparks flying out of the On/Off box. So knowing that happened, there is no way to drive it until I fix it.”

I spent all day thinking about this but I just could not get it out of my mind and just let it go but I could not do it! I was so unhelpful to my grandpa when I was focused on what I wanted like the boots.
I said “I thought you know it’s not all about me and what I want I shouldn’t be wanting stuff I don’t need.”

So I started helping my grandpa with the project I was supposed to do. So I got back to work and got it done. At this time I was like the running shoes. When I was busy I didn’t think about what I wanted as much. It was better after I stopped thinking about what I wanted.

After that I still had wants but I think it’s important to have needs like food, water, and shelter. God will provide for you when he thinks it’s time for you to have those things. In my case I got to learn to drive the C. I didn’t drive it until about half a year after my story happened. I thought it was cool that God let me learn to drive the C so someday I can use this talent to help others.

The most important reason is next time I had an open mind, like the running shoes simile, when I wanted something because if it didn’t work out like I wanted it to. I would not be as near to disappointment.

What people don’t think about is God gives us needs and he’ll stop wants so don’t want stuff you don’t need. Needs are like food, water, and shelter. “You can not serve both God and Money…..,” Matthew 6:24. Like saying you can’t have wants and needs. You may not get everything you want for days, weeks, months, or years.

  1. Rod Folkert

    Nicely put Thomas. You are a wonderful young man and a real gift to me.

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      Thank you grandpa

  2. Kris Denbleyker

    Hi Thomas
    God is really working in your heart!
    You are really starting to understand what Jesus does for you every day!!!
    Great writing!!
    I am so blessed to have a son as wonderful as you!!!! You make me laugh and smile, and you she me how powerful. God is, as I watch you grow!!!
    Love you!

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