Egypt Museum

My group was Corbin, Luke, Jack, and me. We did research for more than two weeks. The research was about Egypt we had to pick two civilizations and research about them both modern and ancient Egypt so after that we created the exhibit.
I learned through this project that Corbin has good art skills and is good at making cakes shaped like ziggurats. That Luke is good a organizing the whole thing and playing the cup pyramid games we had in are exhibit. Jack is good at rapping mummies.
It was important that we worked out all the thing that was hard and we became a good group. Researching was a little challenging because we had to write in are own words. Through this project the best part and my favorite part was building it because all the hard work came together and that was great to see.
Photo on 11-25-14 at 8.35 AMJacks mummie

  1. Hazel Folkert

    Great work Thomas!!. It is great how you saw the many different talents of your classmates. It was a great way for you to get to know them better,

    • Author tdenbleyker21

      thank you
      love Thomas

  2. Rod Folkert

    Great work Thomas. See you tomorrow.

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