Thematic Writing–about the book I’ve been reading

Thomas DenBleyker

Mrs. Roskamp


19,October 2016

Boys of Winter

I read book called Boys of Winter right now. The book is about the 1980 olympic hockey team and how they went to win the gold medal. The coach that coached the team was Herb Brooks who was a hockey player and then a hockey coach. He even said that the players weren’t always the most motivated. He had to practice for full nights just to get ready for the game they had coming up. The coach had been hard on the players but hard work payed off when they came home with the gold medal.

The team that gets picked isn’t always the coach’s dream team. It took a lot of work to get them to work well together. They had to earn the coaches trust and that he would make the right calls at the right time. One thing that the team wasn’t sure about was that they had never met each other or even played on the same team as each other. The team started to work with each other and noticed they were playing a lot better.

The primary coach was not always agreeing with what others want. The coach wasn’t always making the best calls on how hard he should push the team. When the assistant coach would try to make calls that would benefit the team but in the end the coach wouldn’t listen. This would lead to the players not focusing and falling and not being able to put their full focus into practice.

The coach had been hard on the players but hard work payed off when they came home with the gold medal. This book really shows just how hard the players work to get in and prepare for the olympics. It shows a good life lesson because the harder you work to will get more. It shows that you aren’t just going to be give stuff in life if you are after a gold medal you need to work for it and then you are more likely to get it. I think kids could be taught by the meaning of the book and that their parents aren’t going to be their giving everything to them for their whole life eventually you have to work for money to buy your stuff that you need. If someone asked me if they should read this book or even watch the movie about the book I would say yes.

  1. Grandpa DB

    Hey Thomas, it sounds like a good book and a good lesson. I appreciate how you’re already a good worker and that your parents haven’t just given you everything, but taught you to earn and save for things. But there’s a danger for Christians and that is that the greatest thing we could ever need (our salvation) is given to us freely and we cannot possibly earn it! So cool.
    Love you

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