Archive of ‘Weekly Update’ category

Weekly update 7-11

What was something I learned about King Cyrus this week in Bible class?
He was a good king and he rebuilt the temple.
Explain to your parents why I felt the need to complement each other during the morning greeting. Also, tell them what type of complements are best.
 we give complements because it is very nice and it feels good to get a comlement.

Explain to your parents the difference between a physical and chemical change. Use examples from the labs we did this week.
A pysical change is were it is the same but it looks difernt.

Happy Friday!

I just wanted to tell you all how grateful I am to be able to be with the kids for the rest of the year. I think they already feel like I am their teacher, and not just someone filling in for Mrs. Hall. I did see Claire yesterday as she came in to get her personal items, and it made me feel good to see that she was ready to move on and see what God had in store for her. She made it clear that she always really cared for the class, and I told her the kids knew that. Now, we can just focus on the task at hand, and that is having an incredible second semester with MY CLASS!

It has been a good week back after a very relaxing Christmas break. I hope and pray you enjoyed some quality family time as I did. We got back in the swing of things by Monday afternoon. I think the kids were still half asleep in the morning! 😉 Probably it was tough to get some of them out of bed!

Mr. Hutt has moved into a Marketing unit, and he had Mr. Jenkins come in and give a presentation to the kids that was quite informative on “Marketing 101”. In ELA, Mrs. Keyser and I are working on context clues to be used in their reading. They still have their weekly grammar, cursive, and spelling activities. In Bible class, we are studying the rebuilding of the Temple as God’s chosen were allowed to return to Judah by the benevolent King Cyrus. Science this week consisted of a couple of labs involving distinguishing between chemical and physical changes to matter. Math has been divided between Mr. Hutt and me, with the emphasis on fractions and multiplying two by two digit numbers. Knowing our times tables is still a skill that most of the 5th grade could improve upon. All in all, a very interesting week of learning!

I also want to thank you ahead of time for purchasing the toiletries for our Philippine Students.

Have an incredible weekend and Blessings, Paul

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blog post

November 16th, 2018


This week was great because Mr. Keyser makes everything fun even math!


I’m looking forward to next week because we are having science class with mr. keyser.  


One thing we are doing in Mr. Keyser’s class(besides getting candy) is that mr keyser is reading a book called fish in a tree.


From the desk of Mr. Keyser

My third week is drawing to a close, and I finally feel very comfortable in my new role as your child’s 5th grade teacher. Mr. Hutt has been invaluable in his help and support over these three weeks. He has truly helped me feel very much at home here at ZCS! After 3 weeks, I am starting to really get to know my 16 students extremely well. I truly believe that we have a very strong working relationship, which will help strengthen my ability to teach as we go forward. I still can’t get over what an incredible group of students we have in the 5th grade. This also applies to the immersion classes. When we meet in our community groups, I get a chance to see some of the rest of the 5th grade. It should be reassuring as parents to hear that about the group of students that your child is going through school with! That speaks to your parenting skills, as well as the school you have decided to put your trust in for educating your son or daughter! As we quickly come to the Thanksgiving break, I am very thankful to have the opportunity to teach your kids, they have been a real inspiration for me. I also am thankful, and excited for my daughter’s wedding, the Saturday after Thanksgiving! I’ll probably include some pictures in my post after the wedding! Hope you have an incredibly Blessed weekend!

Mr. Keyser


PS I am going to try to do my blog like this with the kid’s blog included above. I noticed that Mrs. Hall did it this way, and it seemed an effective way of getting my message out with the student’s messages.


PSS  We are donating items to the Parkview Home and Harvest Stand Ministries. Items such as: toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, shampoo, toilet paper, paper plates and cleaning supplies may be dropped off in the hallway during the next week.

9-27 weekly update

September 27, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

This week was great because my friends were being nice and band was fun.

I saw God at work this week when Melat got a bloody nose and we brought her inside. One way that Jesus taught me to pray is closing my eyes and folding my hands. In Social Studies we are are learning that some tribes would trade gold for salt. One more thing, is that recess was very fun because we cheered for Melat when she was doing soccer intramurals.

I want to tell you more about science and zebra mussels this weekend.




Note from Mrs. Hall

We had a busy week of NWEA MAP testing, but finished all our online assessments! Next week, I will begin reading tests individually with students in order to have an update on their reading level by conferences. This week, in Bible we finished our final Biblical Truths posters… we will be sharing them on our blog for you to see! In math, we are adding and subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators. In Social Studies, students will inquire into the salt and gold trade in Africa. We collected evidence for and against graphic novels to prepare for our opinion essays and continued recording questions as we read. In science, we are charting the cause and effect relationship of zebra mussels on the Great Lakes. Students explored countries flags in Spanish. God is showing us how to forgive one another and share the love He has for us with others. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-No School Tomorrow

-Volunteers Needed for Lunch Coverage: Please consider covering one of our lunch periods so I am able to participate in a professional development to improve my reading strategy teaching. You can sign up here

-Book Order due TODAY. You can order here using the code: TRJHD

-Picture Day Monday, October 1

October Lunch Menu can be found here


Memory verse due Friday, October 5: Psalm 46:1-5
Verse 5: “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night… October starts our “Book It” reading incentive program. Look for more information to come home on Monday on how students can read for free pizza!

9-21 weekly update

September 21, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

This week was great.  

I saw God at work this week at recess because my friends were being kind. I am reading The lemonade crime. One question I have about my book is why did Scott Spencer stole $208 from Evan?In science, we learned that zebra mussels are cleaning the great lakes.This is bad because then things that eat algae will die. A name for God I learned was Yahweh.

Don’t forget that I LOVE YOU!


Tegan p.s. It is my birthday!


Note from Mrs. Hall

We are finally settling into routines, and I have loved seeing students flourish in our classroom! This week, in Bible we began our final project that connects the 4 Biblical Truths with our own life and we get to worship with K-5 this afternoon! In math, we are adding and subtracting mixed numbers. We are webbing some “thick” questions by collecting evidence as we read. In Social Studies, students will continue in the unit, Three Worlds Meet by comparing some of the Native Americans that lived in North America before Columbus’ explorations.We dug deeper into the structure of opinion essays. See science note above. God is continuing to grow our minds and hearts each day, and we have even found some time for a few 10 second dance parties as we celebrate math! — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Volunteers Needed for Lunch Coverage: Please consider covering one of our lunch periods so I am able to participate in a professional development to improve my reading strategy teaching. You can sign up here

-Book Order due September 28. You can order here using the code: TRJHD

-Picture Day Monday, October 1- forms came home this week

-No School Friday, September 28

-MAP Testing continues next week- we will do Reading and Language


Memory verse due Thursday, Sept. 27: Psalm 46:1-4
Verse 4: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night

9-14 Weekly update

September 14, 2018


Dear Mom and Dad ,


This week was fun.

The best part of my week was recess  because we went on each others shoulders.

In math we learned how to make equivalent fractions .

We read opinion essays about zoos and I learned that animals that are taken from their natural habitat and put in captivity usually die faster. I do not think that zoos should be allowed.

One way I was a good friend this week was I was nice to people.


This weekend I am looking forward to sleeping in.




Update from Mrs. Hall: We are so excited about our first field trip today to the Civil War Muster! I will share photos after our trip this afternoon via the class blog. In Bible we discussed two more biblical truths: “Sin caused disharmony between God’s image-bearers and the earth” and “Jesus died to restore harmony between God’s image-bearers and the earth.” In math, we have mastered comparing fraction by finding a common denominator and are beginning to examine fractions greater than one. This week in science we began our inquiry into “how organisms, such as zebra mussels, affect the Great Lakes” through observing a video about zebra mussels and a time-lapse dot map of zebra mussel growth. As a class, we began reading the novel, “Fish in a Tree” and are practicing asking questions throughout the reading process. In Social Studies, students will continue in the unit, Three Worlds Meet by comparing some of the Native Americans that lived in North America before Columbus’ explorations.We analyzed opinion essays to figure out what makes an essay convincing, focused on writing complete sentences, and practiced our spelling words. It was a busy week, but God is continuing to grow our minds and hearts each day!


  • Modified Hot Lunch for Sept. 21:


      • A – Chicken Nuggets w/Roll
      • B – Beef Fiestada
      • C – Soy Butter & Jam Sandwich w/String Cheese & Cheddar Goldfish
      • All meals served w/Green beans, Mandarin Oranges and Salad Bar


  • Please consider making a material donation for our current science unit. Sign up here. Thank you for those that have already donated!
  • MAP Testing begins next week, please review the letter here or look out for the paper letter that will come home Monday.
  • Don’t Forget:


    • Orange folder signed each weekend
    • Bible Memory due each Friday
    • Spelling test every Friday
    • Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night
  • Memory verse due Friday, Sept. 21: Psalm 46:1-3
    Verse 3: “though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.