March 22

About George Washington’s letter in Valley Forge

George Washington wrote a desperate letter on December 23 1777 in Valley Forge in the middle of the terrible winter. He said that they needed help and supplies because the men will just leave to go home if things continue that bad. There was almost no food and many men were dying. George Washington continued to explain that destruccion would soon come if nothing was done, four more days of such weather kill them all, George Wasington had no exsaduration in what he wrote.

March 19

Out of all the acts that 5c has studied in the time looking at the road to the revolution, which do you consider to be the harshest and why?

I believe that the worst, meanest, harshest act was the Quartering act. I believe that it was the worst because it is half killing people just letting them suffer out of hunger first and then having it hid in their poverty that is actually the fault of the British!  They make them follow rules on how to take care of the soldiers in return for protection they do not want. They have to give the soldiers there own room and feed them 3 meals a day. It put people in a terrible situation that was not called for by the colonist. This act was also terrible because they could not refuse it or even do anything about it because it was soldiers against poor women who’s husbands are gone most of the day and have to take care of the children. They have no more money to add another to the house!               Trinity

March 15

Why was the Declaration of Independence so important to the colonists

I think that the Declaration of Independence was important to the colonist because it ment that they were free and no one could unfairly tell them what to do anymore. It also proved that they were their own powerful country that was too have its own government that would protect them and have athourity over them for good reasons not to just show them that they had all the power, instead to keep them safe and happy with no more troubles then there needs to be.        .