October 8

At the store

Out the door

Down the street

Below the tree

Over that stick

Around the corner

Among the people

Beside her dog

Past his bike

Up the hill

By the shore

Through the door

Nothing more

At the store


September 4

Who Am I?

Over the past few days we have been taking tests and doing little projects to try to find out a little bit more about who we are. After finishing researching through myself I have come up with the results that I have listed below:

  • Visual
  • Initiation
  • Emotional Control
  • Interpersonal
  • Kinesthetic
  • Sweet Tooth
  • Runner
  • Forgetful
  • Not Organized
  • Musical


March 7

Ancient and Modern Egypt are both really fun to explore. In school we each had 2 categories of civilization that we explored and made a museum to display our information.  We took a survey of a lot of the kids in the school to see what they like to see and do in museums. The thing that had the most likes was interactive activities. So we had to include interactive activities.

There were many different ways that people displayed the information. My group displayed our information about technology with a video. In the video we answered 5 different questions 3 about ancient technology and 2 about modern technology. Then to show ancient writing we made paper look old and put out little pieces of paper so that the kids could write their name on them. Then we wrote in hieroglyphics on one of the papers and put it up for display for them to touch (result of the survey), we also wrote a sign above the page with hieroglyphics that showed the information. For modern writing we displayed a poem about the culture of Egypt and explained it. To make the museum more fun we added one more interactive activity. We made a ring toss and had a question from every area and asked one to the kids. If they got the question right then they got to have 2 trys to make it and if they did they got a starburst.

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.36 AM