Camp Reflection

Who is He?

One verse that I was looking at really stoke out to me, it was 1 Corinthians 2:9

No eye has seen,

no ear has heard, no mind has conceived

what GOD has prepared for those who love Him.


Another one that really stood out to me was 1 Corinthians 2:16

For who has the mind of the Lord

that he may instruct him?

But we have the mind of Christ.


I really liked these verses because it kind of shows what we are supposed to be in Christ. Who Christ is and what He’s supposed to be in our lives. This is also like Who are we because it shows what we must be like.


WHO are we?

For this one I read 1 Corinthians 1:10

Who are we? well, that may seem like a simple question to answer, who are we? But looking into it, I don’t have any idea what I would answer to that. First off, where you live and the people surrounding you make a HUGE impact on your life, how you act, and what you say, do, and think. In verse 10 in 1 Corinthians its talking about how everyone among you should be connected in MIND and THOUGHT.. To agree with one another so that there may be not arguments and that you should do this with one another through Christ, of coarse do this because it may be nice and create better peace with others, but do this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Be united in mind and thought. So even though, I don’t really know how to answer to who are we? But I can answer to what we as a community should thrive to be.


Who am I?

To tell you to truth I have no idea who I am. At least, what God wants me to be.

But when reading 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

I heard that I am God’s sacred temple. I didn’t get this very well cause I didn’t understand that God could call me his sacred temple if I’m just a little mark in the universe, I don’t feel like I could, be that to Him, I guess. I asked myself, how can I look more like God’s temple being who I am? I’m still struggling with figuring that out, the typical answer who be just, nicer in general to people. I guess me question is how could I think and act “better” to people. How can I be a better of an example?



In Science class we are learning about density.

To experiment with density we found the

mass and volume of a bunch of different objects then divided that to find

out what the actual density of the object is.

The formula to find the density is mass divided

by volume. After figuring this all out we learned that

you can find out how an object sinks or floats

by looking at the density. The lower the number is

that the density is, the more its likely it is to float instead of

sink. The higher the number though, the more likely

it sinks when placed in water or other liquids.

If the objects are the same size and one floats and one

sinks that means that one has more molecules in

it.. are more dense. More compacted than the other

object thats floating.