Our Volcano

Photo on 4-16-15 at 1.34 PM #2


Here is our shield volcano, we did it after the Mauna Loa Volcano that is also shield. We made this volcano out of home made plato then painted it and mixed small pieces of clay with red to make the AA lava, to add texture. We labeled and made many parts of the volcano on our model. We labeled these 11: 1. Side Vent (bottle cap), 2. Magma (in the top hole area) 3. Pyroclastic Flow (the cotton balls) 4. Lava Flow (the lava, with paint on sides) 5. Magma Chamber (painted with paint in cross section) 6. Pipe (in cross section) 7. Phahoehoe (the runny lava) 8. Hot Spring (the colorful purplish thing in the corner) 9. Crater (at the top) 10. Vent (at the top) 11. AA (another type of lava that was made out of the clay pieces and red paint) We a;so included gently sloping sides to go with it being Shield. The cross section shows in the sides the different layers of lava/ash/lava/ash. We are going to erupt it with baking soda and vinegar when the time comes. The Shield volcano erupts both Phahoehoe and AA lava.