Picture Book Reflection

These past few weeks our class has been working on making pictures books in Language Arts class. The process in making and learning how to make a picture book is way harder than what I had in mind. We researched the Do’s and Don’t’s in a picture book, what we should include and what what would not be a good to have in it. We also did a survey to the littler kids in school asking them what they liked in a picture book. After gathering all this information we set to work. We went over ideas and starting making a rough graph with descriptions of pictures.  Such as whats going to be in them and what the character’s are going to look like and so on and so forth.  It was hard to include our research and the survey in making the picture book. After we were done with the rough sketch of what our book’s going to look like, we had someone else look over it to give us some input and then we finalized it and had a parent or adult go over it one last time before starting in the final actual book. It was a long process, but it was worth it in the end looking at what you’ve completed.