Market day reflection

  • Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 3.11.46 PMWrite about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

Collaboration isn’t always easy

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

3 words, Use money wisely.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

The market loves creativity, we all know that. But the creativity helps market better.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

You gotta understand the people who buys the stuff we all sell.

  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

Making JR Suckers.

  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

THE AMOUNT OF FLAVORS!!! (Should have done 3 rather then 2)

  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning?



Right now, This fast food place has Skylander toys. (CURRENTLY!!!)

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