The Boston Massacre Debait

Here is what would probably/most likely happen if I, Trey, Was a British Solder.

We, as British Soldiers, want to keep our job for the commander. If we don’t, we will have to lose our job and be homeless. He ordered us to live with them. We were a little reckless when we were breaking pots that said, “No Stamp Act,” without permission. They threatened us, and coming to the custom house with clubs and snowballs, where all the king’s money is at. We didn’t want to fail or lose our jobs, so we attacked them.

And there you have it, ripped out of a Google Document. I also think it is the Colonist because they were saying cruel threats. They were also swearing at the British, and going to the custom house with clubs n’ stuff.

HINT OF THE DAY: Have Faith…

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