Chain Lab

So, in Science class, me and two others had to make a long, durable chain based off of the materials we were given. We made a pretty good chain, and I’m really glad how it turned out. It doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, but as long as it gets the job done, it’s fine.


Hypothesis: If we put the water bottles on the chain, then it’ll stay because it’s durable.

Length of chain: 333 cm


1. Which part will work the best?

I feel like the pipe cleaners and the rubber bands incased in plastic straw will work great.

2. Which part may be a problem?

The cruddy thin brown string. I feel like it’ll snap.

3. Which material didn’t we use and why?

We really used everything we could get except craft sticks. They just don’t seem necessary to a chain.

Materials used:

1010 Straws

0/10 Popsicle Sticks

20/20 Index Cards

5/10 Pieces of paper

200 cm/200 cm of string/thread

185 cm/200 cm of Tape

10/10 Pipe Cleaners

10/10 Rubber Bands

1 Meter off the Ground

Conclusion: We did good. We got 2nd place. 933 points for length and strength.

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