Gideon and Me

After reading my parent’s answers it makes me think…. Wow…. It is confirmed (Est. 2003) that my parents were exited about me! I feel like I am the only normal one cause my 3 siblings had something that happened to them. It says that on the paper that mom wrote. So she wrote, “I was praying one day and I felt like God prompting my heart to have another baby. We already had 2 kids diagnosed w/ autism and had lost a daughter. So this made me nervous, I said, “God, if I am supposed to have another child, Please speak to my husband, Jack.” Do you know what happened? When I asked Jack about it, he said that God had been promoting his heart too. So, we decided to obey God. Do you know what happened? We had another baby named Trey! He was awesome and totally completed our family. I thank God every day for the gift of Trey in our lives! I am so glad we obeyed God!” The 2nd part was, “God is always willing to confirm this will to you. If you feel in your heart God is telling you to do something, ask him to confirm it, just like Gideon. But when he does confirm it, do all that you can to do His will and obey Him. You will be greatly blessed – just like we were when we had Trey!” I am happy that I read it! I am glad I am in the family I am in!

2 Responses

  1. Mom at |

    Totally confirmed! You are such a blessing!! Thanks so much for sharing this and for your writing your reaction. I love reading your blog.


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