Living on One Dollar

I honestly feel so weak and spoiled after watching that movie. Kids need to work on farms day in and day out to support their families, while here I am. Sitting around, doing nothing but playing Nintendo. I wish these kids would be blessed with all of these things that we have. It just breaks my heart whenever I see little, little kids in poverty. I wish I could send fresh fruit and vegetables to these places. I want these kids to live a happy, fulfilling life. Its not just the kids. The adults have little to work with. The only thing they usually eat are stuff like rice & beans, tortillas with a little salt, etc. We are picky on what we eat (especially me) but people in poverty are wondering if they are going to even eat anything. If somebody gets a banana, its the equivalency of us getting a steak (unless you have steak everyday, which if so, take me to your steak lair). We should all pray for these families, who are living in poverty.

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