© 2014 tshoemaker19

Immigration Day

I was talking with Shikú and she is from Kenya. She moved tot he united states for college. She was talking about her language and how we always think the speak a different language. They speak english because Britan owns there country. Therefore making that english. She was also saying that she lives in the Caital of Kenya and when they would drive a couple minutes out of there home town ( the capital of Kenya) they would have a park full of llose animals but it wasn’t like a Zoo they were just there and then they fenced them in. She said that the news always says Africa but thek arnt talking about very place because not every place has aids and are starving. They can also fit a bunch of the UNited States into there continent.

I was also talking to Jean Luke and he is from HOnduras. He is also coming here to work on college. He said that he played three sorts for a national team and practiced with a olympic team. He plays basketball, volleyball, and he dove. He is also a very funny guy.  He said that the biggest difference there was, was that we had a bunch of snow.

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