© 2014 tshoemaker19

7B Camp Reflection 2014

Who Am I?

Well I am a child of God according to the bible. The Bible says that if you fully believe in Him than you are a child of God. He is also saying that you may not be good at something maybe if your not good at sports or education or maybe musical things. God is saying you may not be good at all that but you there are still things to come in your future.


Who Are We?

We as a Christian community are all believers of God and that we will always pick up one another. Not only will we pick them up through that hard time but hopefully we can grow in our spiritual life and help them to get closer to God as well. As a Christian community this is a big thing for everyone.


Who Is He?

One thing that he is to me is that he is my creator. It could not just go dark to light just like that. No one can make the sun because f they did they would die. Another way that he is my creator is that he is always showing himself to me in different ways. For example just they way nature was made with all those trees and animals of all kinds throughout earth. Another reason is in all the sunsets and different temperatures.


After Thoughts On The Day

My after thoughts would be really fun bowling with all of our friends. I also loved the songs we played to start our deep discussion on reflecting our camp experience.

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