Ideal Church vs Early Church

In bible class we talked about the early church and the church now days and how they were different. Some of our Ideal church ideas were Steph Curry ass the preacher, Food bar, Ski resort, and some of the early churches where that they were always together, communion, shared possessions. I think that our Ideal church doesn’t even focus on God and its all about us.

Pythagorean Theory Project Reflection

Well Gabe and I came up with a problem where a guy is eating to many grains a day so he needs to cut back. And he is eating a sandwich and needs to find how much grains he is eating so he cuts it in half because it is to much and needs to find how many grains are in the half that he cut. I think that this makes sense because he needs to find out how much he eats by using the pythagorean theory.

Photo on 1-8-16 at 10.05 AM