On my why to school I see all kinds of things like gray roads a lot of people that are clothed in ropes some are running and some are waking.When I get to school I what of my inster to tell me what to do and when to do it when I see him coming my heart is pounding. He says are you ready we all say yes we are ready after we are done we go into school and we learn how to read and write and for lunch we have to go and steal food from someone to have lunch and when I go and steal I do it proficiently and I get some good and when we are done with lunch we go outside and play for a little bit then we go inside then we go back to see the insctor for more training and we traininged in Barracks and that is where we eat and sleep.


Here everyone is busy here everyone  is always on their farm getting food for their family on their farm a lot of people have slaves to do their work because they are too busy to farm so they have slaves to help them out for all kinds of stuff people here have iron rods for money to pay of stuff to help their family out the iron rods so people could not steal your money.


My dad goes here every day and tries to pass laws of us sometimes he makes some and tries to pass them but the council doesn’t what so every time when he comes home he always says that he never has a good time there and he can never pass a law because they never let him pass one because they never liked them but he always they were good laws to have in this state.