Tyler Wisdom



14 November 2016


I am a river. There are many different types of rivers which show my charactics. The first river is a steady flow of water. I am like this type of river because I am easy going. I am willing to try anything and find fun in the activity. I also push on through at a nice pace. I keep trying and willing to do the hard work. When I am at the Critter Barn in the stables I can hear the sheep’s boeing for food which is the sweet peaceful sounds to my ears.

I am also like a fast rapid flowing river. I am always moving and slouching around in life. I am moving and one active to another just like the fast water goes around the bund. Also when I  am goofy mode. I love the laugh and joke with people which is like the rapids also push tackle and hug people like the river flowing over and around the rocks

The river can change to a waterfall which goes over the edge. Sometimes I can be having fun but next time I can get frustrated. I can get down about the way I was made. I was made. I struggle in school so that make my mad with myself. I have a sudden change in my mood to frustrated or quit. Often, when the nighttime comes with homework cause my frustration.  

Also a river can overflow into other areas. I a carrying heart which overflows into other people’s lives. I am willing to help people through doing the necessary little jods. I overflow into my grandpa’s life. In the summer because I help him with the boat. Everyone will not like to the hard jobs but I stay and help.