Things happen for a reason

Things happen for a reason but sometimes we don’t think about the reasons when bad things happen has something bad happened to you think of some reasons of why it could have happened . Maybe you don’t understand thees things and maybe sometimes we think God doesn’t care about us any more but he does and we need to remember its GOD’S will and.


What if a bad thing didn’t happen then maybe a good thing couldn’t happen like if your grandmother died it was probably for a reason like she was old or suffering from a disease or if a pet dies maybe you will get a new one that you love a lot.Or if one of your sibilings gets their tonsals out now they won’t have tonsal problems in the future.


This even happened in biblical times like when God let the Egyptians capture the Isralites because they did not obey. Or when Moses was abandoned in the river and the princess found him and his life was spared so he was able to lead the Isralites out of Egypt. And when Eli’s sons died in battle but they were evil. What does things make you think? It makes me think about the bad things but also the reasons.






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