The Revolutionary War….. Why?

I think that the two most important acts are the first meeting of the Continental Congress and the battle of Lexington and Concord. Because the kings reaction was to try to capture the Sons of Liberty and the Colonial weapons, but they were met by Minutemen and returned empty handed and they lost a lot of British soldiers on the way. So that probably made the people start a war the Colonys wanted freedom and the king was mad, and thats how I think it started

Letter to the king

Dear King George,
The taxes are hurting the colonists. We ask that we get a represenitive.
We are citizens of Great Britin to. The Quartering act to me is the worst of all. You are taxing the food we buy and we have to buy food for your soldiers to. Its like paying a double tax. A boycott will start up and all of Britin’s taxes will fall. The Colonys will rule themselves. The soldiers can farm and build houses for themselves and NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!

Mad Colonist


My group had to do research on Maryland. We made a poster with everything about Maryland, and we made a commercial. There was lots of work to be done and our commercial was to quiet so we brought in a speaker and it worked great.