
Stepping out of your comfort zone…
By: Zoe Dekievit
It may feel good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Maybe this story can help explain. One day at my cottage my brother tried to ski, after a while he did it. I was to scared to do it , but finally my family convinced me to. I fell a lot, but soon I got it. Then one time my cousins came over and I was water skiing and I fell in the part of the lake not far from our cottage and I decided to do a water start. I had never done one before so it was my first time. My face lit up with joy when I got up. It felt good to try something new.

I now know that I can do something and know how to do it and have fun doing it and here is another story with another explanation.

I feel nervous in tough situations you probably do to. This story might help explain. When I had to go on the outside of the tube. I was nervous and excited. I was nervous because I did not want to fall off, and I was excited because I wanted to try it . When I did it it was scary but I got used to it and now I love it and it’s not as scary as before, and I can get over a lot of fears if I’m not nervous and I can have a lot more fun.

On the last day of swimming the coaches let us jump off the high dive. I was nervous. I carefully climbed up the ladder, when I reached the top I stiffly walked to the line and took my place. I watched the other kids happily jump hitting the water with a splash. When it was my turn I walked to the end of the diving board and stepped off I hit the water with a “UMPH!” I loved it and I did it again and again because it was fun and I enjoyed it.

It feels good to try something new and even if you don’t do it right you still can succeed. When I was standing in line I saw all the other kids jumping and if I had not done it and walked away I would have missed out. Now when I do things like this I can have a lot more confidence when I do it.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is good. It lets you feel like you did something important. It lets you feel free. Like when I swam in the ocean. At first I felt free, then when I came into shore my dad told me that they were watching people catch sharks off the pier. I was too scared to go back in the deeper area. The deeper area was fun and I should’ve stayed in. When I went to Florida the next year I swam in the ocean a lot. The waves lapped lightly around the shore and I loved it! The waves were as big as me!
Stepping out of your comfort zone…
By: Zoe Dekievit
It may feel good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Maybe this story can help explain. One day at my cottage my brother tried to ski, after a while he did it. I was to scared to do it , but finally my family convinced me to. I fell a lot, but soon I got it. Then one time my cousins came over and I was water skiing and I fell in the part of the lake not far from our cottage and I decided to do a water start. I had never done one before so it was my first time. My face lit up with joy when I got up. It felt good to try something new.

I now know that I can do something and know how to do it and have fun doing it and here is another story with another explanation.

I feel nervous in tough situations you probably do to. This story might help explain. When I had to go on the outside of the tube. I was nervous and excited. I was nervous because I did not want to fall off, and I was excited because I wanted to try it . When I did it it was scary but I got used to it and now I love it and it’s not as scary as before, and I can get over a lot of fears if I’m not nervous and I can have a lot more fun.

On the last day of swimming the coaches let us jump off the high dive. I was nervous. I carefully climbed up the ladder, when I reached the top I stiffly walked to the line and took my place. I watched the other kids happily jump hitting the water with a splash. When it was my turn I walked to the end of the diving board and stepped off I hit the water with a “UMPH!” I loved it and I did it again and again because it was fun and I enjoyed it.

It feels good to try something new and even if you don’t do it right you still can succeed. When I was standing in line I saw all the other kids jumping and if I had not done it and walked away I would have missed out. Now when I do things like this I can have a lot more confidence when I do it.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is good. It lets you feel like you did something important. It lets you feel free. Like when I swam in the ocean. At first I felt free, then when I came into shore my dad told me that they were watching people catch sharks off the pier. I was too scared to go back in the deeper area. The deeper area was fun and I should’ve stayed in. When I went to Florida the next year I swam in the ocean a lot. The waves lapped lightly around the shore and I loved it! The waves were as big as me!

Bible Memory

Do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will up hold you with my rightious right hand.
Mark 16: 15-16
He said to then go into the world and tell all creation the good news that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but who ever does not believe will condemed.
Matthew 29:31
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father. Even the very hairs of your head are numbered so do not worry you are worth more than many sparrows.


This is a list of things I love most about my mom.
-She works hard to let us have a nice house.
-She is always trying to help other people.
-She loves me and my family.
-She makes time to hangout with us.
-She is always there for me.

This list could go on and on but for this post I’ll just put the important ones.