
Stepping out of your comfort zone…
By: Zoe Dekievit
It may feel good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Maybe this story can help explain. One day at my cottage my brother tried to ski, after a while he did it. I was to scared to do it , but finally my family convinced me to. I fell a lot, but soon I got it. Then one time my cousins came over and I was water skiing and I fell in the part of the lake not far from our cottage and I decided to do a water start. I had never done one before so it was my first time. My face lit up with joy when I got up. It felt good to try something new.

I now know that I can do something and know how to do it and have fun doing it and here is another story with another explanation.

I feel nervous in tough situations you probably do to. This story might help explain. When I had to go on the outside of the tube. I was nervous and excited. I was nervous because I did not want to fall off, and I was excited because I wanted to try it . When I did it it was scary but I got used to it and now I love it and it’s not as scary as before, and I can get over a lot of fears if I’m not nervous and I can have a lot more fun.

On the last day of swimming the coaches let us jump off the high dive. I was nervous. I carefully climbed up the ladder, when I reached the top I stiffly walked to the line and took my place. I watched the other kids happily jump hitting the water with a splash. When it was my turn I walked to the end of the diving board and stepped off I hit the water with a “UMPH!” I loved it and I did it again and again because it was fun and I enjoyed it.

It feels good to try something new and even if you don’t do it right you still can succeed. When I was standing in line I saw all the other kids jumping and if I had not done it and walked away I would have missed out. Now when I do things like this I can have a lot more confidence when I do it.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is good. It lets you feel like you did something important. It lets you feel free. Like when I swam in the ocean. At first I felt free, then when I came into shore my dad told me that they were watching people catch sharks off the pier. I was too scared to go back in the deeper area. The deeper area was fun and I should’ve stayed in. When I went to Florida the next year I swam in the ocean a lot. The waves lapped lightly around the shore and I loved it! The waves were as big as me!
Stepping out of your comfort zone…
By: Zoe Dekievit
It may feel good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Maybe this story can help explain. One day at my cottage my brother tried to ski, after a while he did it. I was to scared to do it , but finally my family convinced me to. I fell a lot, but soon I got it. Then one time my cousins came over and I was water skiing and I fell in the part of the lake not far from our cottage and I decided to do a water start. I had never done one before so it was my first time. My face lit up with joy when I got up. It felt good to try something new.

I now know that I can do something and know how to do it and have fun doing it and here is another story with another explanation.

I feel nervous in tough situations you probably do to. This story might help explain. When I had to go on the outside of the tube. I was nervous and excited. I was nervous because I did not want to fall off, and I was excited because I wanted to try it . When I did it it was scary but I got used to it and now I love it and it’s not as scary as before, and I can get over a lot of fears if I’m not nervous and I can have a lot more fun.

On the last day of swimming the coaches let us jump off the high dive. I was nervous. I carefully climbed up the ladder, when I reached the top I stiffly walked to the line and took my place. I watched the other kids happily jump hitting the water with a splash. When it was my turn I walked to the end of the diving board and stepped off I hit the water with a “UMPH!” I loved it and I did it again and again because it was fun and I enjoyed it.

It feels good to try something new and even if you don’t do it right you still can succeed. When I was standing in line I saw all the other kids jumping and if I had not done it and walked away I would have missed out. Now when I do things like this I can have a lot more confidence when I do it.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is good. It lets you feel like you did something important. It lets you feel free. Like when I swam in the ocean. At first I felt free, then when I came into shore my dad told me that they were watching people catch sharks off the pier. I was too scared to go back in the deeper area. The deeper area was fun and I should’ve stayed in. When I went to Florida the next year I swam in the ocean a lot. The waves lapped lightly around the shore and I loved it! The waves were as big as me!

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