in math this week I am learning about……

What I am learning about in math class this week is right now I am working on estimating decimals and some of the problems look like this 2.0993+1.256 tenths the tenths means that you have to estimate the tenths so you estimate the           0 and the number behind that is 9 and 9 is higher than 5 so you round 0 up and that would be 1. Then on 1.256 the tenth is    2 and the number after that is 5 and if the number after it is five and up then you round up so you would get 3 and the answer would be close to 3.4 or the answer is 3.3553. a couple days ago I also passed the test to go on to lesson three because I used to be on lesson two. So that is what I did in math this week.

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