Metaphor Writing

I am a sea. My waves are weapons of destruction, also filled with joy. They take down the ships and people. I hurt others at times. At others my friends the dolphins are there for me at all times. They play and enjoy the waves. My waves drag others down into the depths of my troubles. Yet the fish in the sea the people of the world I do care for and I do wish for their well-being. Like how my waves pull and push the surfers for fun and joy.

The things hidden in the depths are my troubles. They are hidden from the world along with the shipwrecks of others burdens that I took on too. Only one knows of these burdens and holds some that I can’t. The One True King. The world knows of close to 5% of what I am what I hide the hideous creature and parts of my that hide below the surface. They only see the blue water and the sunsets. The dolphins and beautiful creatures of my surface the coral reefs and the tropical fish. But down in the bottom true colors come out and if I did not know Christ my whole sea would be dead.

The creatures that play in my waters are my memories. They are good and bad but at some point I will outlive them. But for now I enjoy them and their company. Someday the old will died but the new are always reborn. The good jump and play at the surface on display for all to see. The bad hide and shy away from the light and the prying eyes of the world. Sometimes, if a storm were to come that day, I find them at the surface sulking and distracting. My good outweighs the bad though and I know that.

The storms that rage above my head are the troubles of the world. They sometime are no efect to me. And others are, their rain fans the flame of anger of injustice at the world. Yet always I will know that the LORD is with me. Even though the storms may not reach or hurt me they take down the ships that are people I know and those I don’t. Yet they all hurt me they drag them down their ships sink. They are sometimes unsavable. The wars rage and the world hurts all around and people die. But we must persevere in life with God by our side.

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