TSC (market day)

It went well But the venture capitalists were a bit scary.We got all the money we needed. I was a bit squirmy during the pitch.I was very nervous and at the end it turned out good and Mr. Commeret has to buy  one on Market Day. We asked for 38.oo dollars to buy to t-shirts. During the pitch I was very nervous and after I was happy it was over. For the other young entrepreneurs I have to say be cheerful and happy try to present your self the best you can to make them like you I don’t think I did a very good job of presenting myself but it went well and we got the money.


Mr. Commeret the monster (in one of our t-shirt)
 I think that we did a good job and our product will be a good seller
 The sizes we have are boys XL so girls might need to wear an under shirt

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