God at Work

Paul was prepared by God because when he was a child he went to school which was not common in those days, so he could read and write. God gave me talents too. I am very passionate about what I care about and I care about God a lot. I also go to a Christian school and have grown up with others with similar values. These can help me if I ever evangelize. You can do it anywhere. On a street corner or just with friends. I love to learn and that has helped me a lot when reading the Bible. I like to pick out parts that mean a lot to me or I have heard before. The Bible teaches us about God and the sacrifices He and His Son made for us. I am a very observant person and will look at things with a logical eye. This can help me understand people and look at the best ways to handle a situation. I love to sing and I can’t wait to be in Heaven where everyone is praising God and there is joy and happiness and song.

Venezuela #5

HospitalesImage result for hospital clipart

En el Hospitales de Venezuela enfermos extraer la sangre. Tomar las radiografías por los personas. Usan la medicina y ponen inyecciones.

Noticias en Venezuela;


Quien; Los personas de Venezuela.

Que; Gobierno no es bien.

Cuando; En Octubre de 2016.

Donde; En Venezuela.

Como; El gobierno

Porque; el gobierno necesita fuerte y los personas no es fuerte.

No es bien es mal. Yo importo los personas de Venezuela.


The Mystery Of The Dead Dead Dead Body

“Wow, this is a violent case.”

“Yeah I agree look at the body.” The two detectives stood by the body. The knife in her back stuck out and gleamed in the light of the flashlight. The first detective called in the morgue. “No point in calling an ambulance she’s as dead as a doornail.”

The hearse arrived and they wrapped up the body after dusting the knife for fingerprints and photographing the scene. The woman was sent in for an autopsy. “Please request Ms. Bridge do the autopsy.” One of the detectives said. They both knew she would inform them the fastest and not miss small details.

Back in the lab Rose opened up the body bag. “What a case.” She first looked at the neck which showed clear signs of strangulation. There was a stab wound in the stomach. But no blood. After opening up the lungs she found signs of water. She took a few samples to test later on the chemicals in the water.

The detectives came in. Rose liked these two they listened and actually thought for themselves. They didn’t expect her to figure it all out. There was water in her lungs that has chlorine in it. “The only problem I find is that the brain was deprived of oxygen and the skin shows no trace of chlorine. The pores would shown the traces.” “That’s quite interesting, what’s your main idea of how she died?”

“I would say strangled.”

They put out a press release saying a female had been murdered and they had suspects being questions. If anyone had information of the murder please come talk to them.

They were interviewing neighbors and co workers. Brian her buisness partner ranted for 15 minutes on how he thought she was stealing money from the company and he was going to sell his share. The neighbors were no help either. The elderly couple next door was too frail to kill her but her other neighbor was mentally unstable and had an ankle monitor. The single man across the street had not seen anything but had no alibi.

The elderly couple had let them search their house. They found a knife set that matched the one stabbed into the girl’s stomach. And their fountain water matched the sample from the girl’s lungs. The only problem. They had a very solid alibi with evidence on video and pictures of them attending an all night seniors garden party where her husband spoke. They had though come home to find their home burglarized and had reported it.

The mental guy had admitted to poisoning the girl and was taken into custody. They later released him to a mental asylum. His story did not match up. He claimed that he had poisoned her. The evidence showed she was strangled. The lab tested her and found no trace of poison. He had read the paper and wanted the attention.

Their final suspects were in a very long interrogation session. “Did you kill the girl?” Annie asked Bob the neighbor. “No, I did not strangle the girl.” He answered.

In the other room Joe asked the same question, “Did you kill the girl?” “No I did not kill Kathy. I had reason but I would not go that far.”

The detectives immediately arrested the neighbor. The press later asked why. The detective answer. “Only the killer would have known how she died.”

Earthquake Tower

In science class we  were given the assignment to create a tower out of spaghetti, marshmallows, and tape. We had $4875 to build it. Spaghetti cost $100 per stick. Marshmallows cost $50. Tape cost $25 per inch. In my group I was the architect. I basically drew up a diagram and we built off of that. It was a lot of fun but very stressful to build. In the end we were 5cm short of the height requirement, but our tower held up very well and for that I am happy.

Venezuela #4

Los deportes del Venezuela;

  1. Futbol

Image result for soccer in venezuela

Futbol es una deporte favorito. La equipo usa una pelota.

2. Beisbol

Image result for baseball in venezuela

El otra deporte es beisbol. Los uniformes es muy interesante.

3. Basquetbol

Image result for basketball in venezuela

Una orta deporte es basquetbol. El equipo están jugando en la cancha.

4. Voleibol

Image result for volleyball in venezuela

Y el orta deporte es voleibol. Tu usas una red en voleibol.



Venezuela #3

Cinco fiesta en Venezuela

Carnival: Carnival es mucho colores. Los personas están bailando muchos.


Feria de sol: No necesitamos una invitado. Es muchos persones.

Image result for feria del sol in venezuela

El enterrio del la sardina; Es después de Carnival. Los persones están decorando una grande sardina.

Image result for the burial of the sardine in venezuela

Velorio de la Cruz de Mayo: Es en la tres de Mayo. Personas están catando.

Image result for Velorio de la Cruz de Mayo en venezuela

Navidad; Los mamas están cocinando. Muchos decoramos los casas.

Image result for navidad en venezuela

Math Project


In Math Class we created a word problem that had to do with the Pythagorean Theorem. Ours was about a hammock it had to have to do with real life. This is the problem.

Word Problem; Ian’s Hammock

Ian wants to put a hammock in his room.

The wall to the North has a width of

5 ft and a height of 7 ft.

The wall to the East has a width of

10 ft and a height of 7 ft. He wants to put the

hammock diagonally on the wall stretching

from corner to corner. Find out how long

the hammock will have to be.

Round to the nearest hundredth.

We had to make a reflection of our project afterward. This was mine.


How did you come up with your word problem? We needed something that was a triangle and we figured that if you hang a hammock across a room it creates a triangle.

How does your word problem and answer make sense? The room was 10ft by 5ft. The hammock had to be 11.18 ft long. Because if you take away 5 and square 10 and square 15. The takeaway 100 from 125 you get 25 which is 5 squared.  

Metaphor Writing

I am a sea. My waves are weapons of destruction, also filled with joy. They take down the ships and people. I hurt others at times. At others my friends the dolphins are there for me at all times. They play and enjoy the waves. My waves drag others down into the depths of my troubles. Yet the fish in the sea the people of the world I do care for and I do wish for their well-being. Like how my waves pull and push the surfers for fun and joy.

The things hidden in the depths are my troubles. They are hidden from the world along with the shipwrecks of others burdens that I took on too. Only one knows of these burdens and holds some that I can’t. The One True King. The world knows of close to 5% of what I am what I hide the hideous creature and parts of my that hide below the surface. They only see the blue water and the sunsets. The dolphins and beautiful creatures of my surface the coral reefs and the tropical fish. But down in the bottom true colors come out and if I did not know Christ my whole sea would be dead.

The creatures that play in my waters are my memories. They are good and bad but at some point I will outlive them. But for now I enjoy them and their company. Someday the old will died but the new are always reborn. The good jump and play at the surface on display for all to see. The bad hide and shy away from the light and the prying eyes of the world. Sometimes, if a storm were to come that day, I find them at the surface sulking and distracting. My good outweighs the bad though and I know that.

The storms that rage above my head are the troubles of the world. They sometime are no efect to me. And others are, their rain fans the flame of anger of injustice at the world. Yet always I will know that the LORD is with me. Even though the storms may not reach or hurt me they take down the ships that are people I know and those I don’t. Yet they all hurt me they drag them down their ships sink. They are sometimes unsavable. The wars rage and the world hurts all around and people die. But we must persevere in life with God by our side.

Thematic Writing

In LA we wrote a sort of book report on a book we had read, the book I read was Dragon of Ash and Stars.

The book I read was about dragons. The main character is a dragon named Stormfall. He has many names throughout the book. He is sold too many owners. The book is themed somewhat like Black Beauty. But not. This book has a little more violence and a completely different meaning. The book it written from the dragon’s perspective so you see inside of his head. The dragons don’t have an actual language so his communication with others was minimum. Most of the book was what was going on in his head. The action was very good. Very descriptive. Also the book was very bad. The book made me think deeper about the fact that somethings are too be left in the wild.

In the end of the book the dragons all break away from the human. They rebel and move. The reason is because the dragon realizes that his kind is dying in a war that the humans are having. The dragon is being charged with with murder. When the people are the ones that caused him to murder them by enslaving him and forcing him to fight in a pit. This part of the book made me realize that the enslavement of others is horrible and that the animals are not to be tamed they never will be. They are wild and created to stay there they are not a normal house pet.

The part where he was fighting in the pits and his band broke was the other area in the book where I saw this theme. The dragon’s band broke in a fight and he escaped. When he escaped he set the building ablaze and people died. Later he was brought to trial and charged with murder. He was forced to fight for his life do people just expect him to stay when he gets a chance to escape. It is mind blowing how people just think of things that they are unable to understand as expendable. So in this part of the book I found the theme again. Wild things were meant to stay wild.

The book made me think deeper about the fact that somethings are too be left in the wild. I personally loved the book. Some people complained that it was too close to the book Black Beauty but I thought that it strayed far from the theme of that book. This book was also more violent and crueler. The book also illustrates that people feel that animals are expendable. I know that the Bible says that it is ok to eat meat. But I don’t think it goes with cruelty and greed. Overall the book was really good and made wm think about the real world.


In science we created a chain out of certain materials.  Our chain was made out of 10 pipe cleaners. We cut them in half and tied them together. Creating a chain. The chain has to hold about 7 pounds. The weight is distributed among 5 bottles filled with water.We hope it can do it.  Here is a pic. photo-on-10-17-16-at-1-05-pm-2

Names of Jesus

This week in Bible we have been learning and studying the different names of Jesus. The name that I was assigned was The Lamb of God. Some interesting ideas that I thought about were.

  • a lamb to the slaughter also portrays it because Jesus died even though he was perfect and innocent and in no way meant to die.
  • The Israelites used to sacrifice lambs but Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice he was utterly perfect.