TSC (market day)

It went well But the venture capitalists were a bit scary.We got all the money we needed. I was a bit squirmy during the pitch.I was very nervous and at the end it turned out good and Mr. Commeret has to buy  one on Market Day. We asked for 38.oo dollars to buy to t-shirts. During the pitch I was very nervous and after I was happy it was over. For the other young entrepreneurs I have to say be cheerful and happy try to present your self the best you can to make them like you I don’t think I did a very good job of presenting myself but it went well and we got the money.


Mr. Commeret the monster (in one of our t-shirt)
 I think that we did a good job and our product will be a good seller
 The sizes we have are boys XL so girls might need to wear an under shirt


When we were at Lansing we first went to a museum then the capital building but the best part of all was impressions 5 it was a science museum that was hands on so we got to play with everything it was so fun I loved the shadow machine you would press a button and get into a pose and it would make the pose you made but on the wall and there was a place that you would take a sample and there was a microscope that was attached to a screen and you would use levers to look around and you could see all the little animals in the water and at the end I saw my friends building a fort so I went to help  out and when it was time to leave we knocked it over.

Things happen for a reason

Things happen for a reason but sometimes we don’t think about the reasons when bad things happen has something bad happened to you think of some reasons of why it could have happened . Maybe you don’t understand thees things and maybe sometimes we think God doesn’t care about us any more but he does and we need to remember its GOD’S will and.


What if a bad thing didn’t happen then maybe a good thing couldn’t happen like if your grandmother died it was probably for a reason like she was old or suffering from a disease or if a pet dies maybe you will get a new one that you love a lot.Or if one of your sibilings gets their tonsals out now they won’t have tonsal problems in the future.


This even happened in biblical times like when God let the Egyptians capture the Isralites because they did not obey. Or when Moses was abandoned in the river and the princess found him and his life was spared so he was able to lead the Isralites out of Egypt. And when Eli’s sons died in battle but they were evil. What does things make you think? It makes me think about the bad things but also the reasons.






Things Happen For A Reason            I like this essay because it has a meaning

Things  happen for a reason  but some times we don’t understand them like this story.

My grandma died and today  I was reaserching why do bad things happen and it said its God’s will.

When bad things happen we think doesn’t God care about us and yes he does then maybe a good thing will happen. Like if you  move to a new neighboorhood you may meet a new friend or if your hamster dies may be you could get something that you  enjoy.

Things happen for a reason because good things can happen to like thease storys of my life.

I moved to a different neighboorhood so we could be closer to my mom’s work and the best thing happend I met my best friend and we are still friends today so good things can come out of it.

Things happen for a reason so maybe good things can happen like this story.

My cat Sassy ran away and so did our other cat so then we got our cat S’mores and that is another story of my life when a good thing came out of a bad thing.  Do you like it?

Snow day

When I found out it was a snow day I stayed inside and waited for my friend to come over and when she did we went sledding and at night my family and I built a snow fort there was a pile of snow I made it a bit bigger then I started digging my family put snow on it the snow was soft in some places and hard in others so I used a shovel  and broke it up and my mom built side walls and put cardboard on top then we stepped back and admired our work then we went snowmobiling.



“Dad can I please get a kitten? PLEASE! Pretty please!,”  I had begged and begged my dad for a kitten. When our neighbors started giving away kittens, I was determined to get one. I liked a certain kitten named Midnight. I wanted to get her.

One day I asked my dad, “Why won’t you let us get a kitten?”  He replied, “Fine you can get one kitten.” I was so excited to get a kitten, but sad because we couldn’t pick it up right away. We had to go to our cottage. While we were up at our cottage, we decided the kitten we wanted was S’mores, but I wanted to get a kitten named Midnight and my sister wanted to get a kitten named Barney. We got S’mores. My mom went to get her while we were up at the cottage.

When I got home, I raced downstairs. My heart pounded as I thought of our new kitten S’mores.  I got there to see a lonely crying kitten sitting in her pen. I cuddled with her and “I felt happy inside”. Then I let her explore her new home, but she was stuck in her pen, so she explored her pen and all her new toys and soon she fell asleep.

I visited her everyday. Now she is a cat, but she acts like a kitten and I think it’s cute. I had had a kitten before but she died, so now we only have two. We love them as if they were family. If you could get a kitten, what would you name it? I would name it Tippsy.