African Union Day

The biggest challenge we faced was all agreeing on the same resolution. In the end I think it all came down to how it was presented. The ideas were almost the same but both were missing certain things. I enjoyed arguing and asking questions about the topic being presented. Because it was fun and it felt more important than having an argument in class over some sort of small town story that was being addressed in a city court. This is a really big issue that could change millions of lives.

Boat Trip

In seventh grade we went on a boat trip. I learned a lot a couple of them are.

  • How many types of organisms live in a tiny sample of water.
  • The three different types of lakes. (eutrophic, mesotrophic, and oligotrophic)
  • The conductivity of the water in the lakes compared to our water.
  • How cold and windy lakes are.
  • Science is fun.
  • I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up.


What I wondered:

  • Can you die from the organisms in the water?
  • How fast could the boat go?
  • What is the worst weather they have ever done a tour in?

Reaction to Invictus

I learned that people are so forgiving because Mandela was in prison and when he got out 30 years later he was ready right away to forgive the people that put him there. Mandela was wise because he forgave his oppressors, and he used something that one party hated and another loved to bring together a country. In the movie there were parts that showed how the two parties joined together to have fun. Like at one point they were visiting some kids in a township. At first the kids were a little afraid but by the end the kids were sad to see them leave. Kids are cool in that way they forgive and forget. Adults take a little more time, but in the movie by the end everyone was overjoyed to see their team come together and win and the whole country supported the team.